Friday, November 10, 2017

The greatest curse of Kaliyuga – Praising and fault-finding – Me, My Guru


The greatest curse of Kaliyuga – Praising and fault-finding – Me, My Guru

She closed her eyes for sometime and when she opened it after good 30mts she started explaining “What is the sole purpose of all this exercise of attending Reiki class, lectures and healing” our Guru asked.

“To heal our selves of our negativities” we replied.

“Exactly!” our Guru continued “and how do we know that we’ve negativities? Either when someone points it to us or when we see or hear about someone who has qualities, attitudes or character worth emulating. Right?” she looked at us.

We nodded our heads still unsure about the statement....

“If we don’t realize or even accept that we need to change for better, how can we work on ourselves? Why would we change? If we don’t change, don’t work on self then we start assuming that the qualities that we have are the ‘best’ and improvise them – in short become more refined with those qualities say like greed, manipulative nature, lying etc”.

This statement hit us! We were here to get healed – that was OK, but now when she said ‘if you don’t change for better you are changing to become more negative’ was a sure eye-opener! During lunch we all discussed this and realized it to be true. In qualities that we were working we were growing positively – i.e., if I was irritated 10 times a day and I realized this nature in me and had accepted to work on it, then over the years my irritation has really come down. The number of issues where I got irritated also decreases over the years. Now I was more in control of events that they overtaking my emotions.

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