Sunday, November 19, 2017

Me, My Guru - Stories and all! - The dog barks!

Me, My Guru - Stories and all! - The dog barks!

A dog on the road!

Our dog got up early  as usual. He had his fill in the garbage trash. He was done for the day – well almost done! He walked along the path sniffing the ground. This was his daily routine. We would go around sniffing the entire lane. He never liked to be disturbed during this routine. He had to take a break from his ‘holy duty’ to bark at the ‘diversion’. Thank-fully, today was no such day! God! Was he glad! He looked above and kept looking at the clouds. It was as if he was silently thanking the God up there for giving ‘no diversion’ during his routine. Now, his body relaxed and without any hurry in his sway he walked slowly towards the peepul tree to lie down under its shade. Not that he was lazy but he was disciplined and loved to follow his daily regime (routine). But, he was ever alert to every sound and opened his eyes to check if every thing was fine in his lane. When he felt sure of the same, he closed his eye for a short nap. But dutiful that he was, he couldn’t close his eyes for more than few minutes.

Half an hour since the time he came to lie under the tree and yet it seemed like ages. He got and stood wagging his tail. He felt uneasy and he was right! There was an elephant walking towards him. He started barking at the top of his voice. He wouldn’t let elephant have his way! The elephant kept walking. Dog came forward few steps and started barking. Hearing him bark, his gang of friends joined him from nowhere and together they barked their lungs out. And elephant kept walking. It walked past them. Its trunk swaying from side to side and with no change in its stride, it kept walking. As it came nearer, dogs took two steps back but didn’t stop barking. Elephant passed them. It didn’t turn to see them. It just kept walking! It passed them and walked few blocks away from them. And so dogs kept barking! It was as if they were competing with each other in barking. The elephant was out of sight. And then suddenly became silent and went their way.


1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Hi I’m Pradyumna I’m the son of Kshitija.I started reading this story today and I loved it