Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Jabala – Me, My Guru


Jabala – Me, My Guru

Initially I didn’t get it much. But now I saw its utility and need. The little time we got to exchange and talk on these topics we lost in useless chatter. And why waste time having more people in our ‘chat group’? It only reduced our question time of sadhan and silence.

Today she didn’t have to tell that to receive from Guru or even to meet one we had to become worthy of being a ‘disciple’. We concentrated always on getting a Guru or on judging one but we never looked into the qualities that were essential to being a ‘disciple’. This was not the first time that we came to this understanding and yet it looked fresh – may be we still didn’t feel the need to develop these qualities – forget about it - We didn’t even zero in on the qualities that we needed to work towards. That itself showed me where the problem was. In theory, we wanted to discuss, understand and know these things but in reality it was easier to cry or complain on our fate, Reiki or God.

To get up and work to realize our potential sounded very romantic but also involved loads of work which seemed ‘distasteful’ to us.
I didn’t know if we would receive any Guru in our lives what with our effort being next to nothing! And we seemed OK with it too – as the other option seemed much more difficult and painful...........


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