Thursday, October 5, 2023

Why look within?


Why look within?

We all desire but are we worthy of our desire?

Increase your worthiness by just walking inward!

"Look within and all your worldly needs will be taken care of by me," says Lord Krishna in Bhagwath gita. And to believe you just have to hear people who have embarked on this journey!

The benefits are: 

a. Material needs are met 

b. We gain internal strength to face the ups and downs of life 

c. peace of mind 

d. our mind becomes calm inspite of situations and their in lies our greatest treasure 

e. we are reducing our painful baggage that we have been carrying with us over the janmas 

f. we know what real happiness is 

g. our self worth increases. 

h. we fall in love with self and then starts the most romantic love story of our life 

g. we no longer use people. we stop being dependent on people. So, we actually end up liking, loving and being with people out of our affection for them. And there in is the secret to having the right and good relationships in our life. h. no more can anyone hurt us 

i. our physical ailments go away one by one 

j. our stress levels reduce. 

k. With reduced stress levels, the health complications also come down. It is a known and proved fact that most of the diseases of this age are "stress" induced. 

l. our productivity increases 

m. Our immune system works better

n. our know-how in our area of work increases and we start performing well in our job. Our growth is imminent! 

# Journey within, look within, know thyself, discovering who you are, who am I?, your inward journey

read also: 

Question time:

Those who have taken time to look within, what treasures did you find?

What did you know about yourself?

How does knowing yourself help you in dealing with day-to-day life?



Aparna Deshpande said...

I find lot's of love myself and abundance. right time right things happing in my life ๐Ÿ’• thank you so much ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿป‍♀️
With lots of love and gratitude ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿป‍♀️❤️๐Ÿ™Œ

Kshitija said...

Thanks to reiki
Yes I am able to do my work effectively and I am able to walk and do things more .
I am benefiting in various other ways too.
My gratitude to reiki

sahana said...

I started to understand slowly ,what I really like and started my journey by becoming an eternal learner, trying my best in most of my endeavors and also to accept reality. Also started to feel blessed and realize that somethings/ events happens beyond my understanding, sometimes totally unexpected and sometimes beyond my best expectations. .its not easy to face some comments/ rejections/ challenges despite trying my best and yet life goes on with faith in divine .Thanks for your help and support