Monday, October 9, 2023

Heal the complaints!


Heal the complaints!  

Rain was deficit by 11% when someone told me at the beginning of this month. I simply said, “You should have told me earlier, I would have done healing for that!”

As I have shared earlier too, I don’t watch NEWS or read it. So, am ignorant of all these things happening. Only when someone comes and tells me, I get to know about it and then I start healing for the same.

I felt it had rained heavily this time. I start healing from the start of the year for the same every year. I felt it was good enough this time. But when the news was told to me, I was a bit disheartened and since I had one more month I started healing and it started raining in the evening itself. And how it rained!!!

As of when I was writing this post, I read that the deficit is just 5% now. 

This is not shared so that I get feedback like “maam, you are great maam/ you also heal for me etc”.


# healing earth, healing self, healing live issues, complaints, heal, pain and suffering, overcoming pain and suffering, confusion, fear, addressing fear, overcoming anxiety,

also read: 


Mona said...

Whenever I heal the earth, I can actually feel more grounded and connected to the earth. How did I learn to heal the earth? It has been a series of events which led me to this - friend who sent me to Ma'am, Ma'am who accepted me and time which helped me pursue this. How rare is the gift of this knowledge, and how less do we apply our knowledge. Wish we always be in this path of healing. Thank you Guruji. Thank you Reiki.
- Mona

Kshitija said...

Thank you for showing me the path .
The above post has shown me a path .
Since past few days I have been listening to the Israel issue and was feeling bad . This post has shown me a way . I will do earth healing for the next one month to come .
Thank you