Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Me, my Guru – on love and care



Me, my Guru – on love and care

“Guruji, I gave so much to my family, but I got nothing in return. Not only that, they even spread very demeaning gossip about me. They spread rumours about me that were totally “not me”. They messed up issues in everybody’s life and yet spread the word that I had done them. What do I do about that?”

“Life is really nothing without love and care. Share it with everyone you come across. Yet, don’t expect anything in return. Because it is feel and not a DEAL!” replied our Guru.

Then, seeing their crestfallen faces, she continued “We get angry that they got away with their wrong deeds. We are also angry and disappointed with fate and life that we received badly in spite of giving good to others.  But, don’t fret and fume. They’ll eventually receive what they gave and did. Karma will eventually catch up with everyone. No one can hide from Karma!


# on love and care, caring and sharing, on relationships, receiving and giving, fate and destiny, on love, character, right and wrong, karma, 

also read: 

Question time:

We all want "unconditional love" - someone who would stand by us, sacrifice for us and yet not stop giving to us. We want someone who would listen to all that we say and fulfill our every single desire (however bizarre). We want someone to light up our lives. But, how many times have you been this to others/other in your life? To how many people/persons in life have you given and been giving small and big all through life and still feel want to give more expecting nothing in return....????

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

I want to share an experience of reiki
Recently I went to Trichy and was having issues in communication due to lack of knowledge of the local language.
Then I surrendered to reiki . Every time I spoke to someone I drew symbol spoke to them and miraculously I used to be able to speak to them in Tamil and also I understood what they said . Thanks to reiki I discovered google translator that helped me further.
By the end of my trip I was able to speak confidently .
When I was able to put little effort from my end I have observed that people were coming extra mile to help me.
Thank you reiki
Thank you guruji