Tuesday, September 21, 2021

sadhan on request!


sadhan on request!

For those who requested for next sadhan...here's one for you all!

Just for Today let's do 'earth healing' from 10pm-10.30pm. Those who can't at that time, do at any time convenient to you....

Next, make a list of people whom you love and have lost to time - it can be both family and friends, if you want to add you can add social figures too in that - like some artist you is dead and you are fan of, some social worker you are inspired by and so on....

Let's do soul healing for all these people  from tomorrow onwards for 14 days....

From tomorrow, chant atleast one mala MM Japam and send reiki to all those people.....

those who are already in the previous sadhan, just continue the same but with this intention....(you can count these 14 malas also in  your count of 108 - so don't bother much on that...)

your every desire (genuine and as per dharma - the one filled with lust and greed are not in this category) makes me go within and search for an answer to fit into your sadhan and life agenda...here's one on those grounds....

this way those who are still in previous sadhan (of completing 108 malas) and those wanting a new target - both can work together in this project without having to lose anything by either of them.....

i hope both the parties are ok with it and find it convenient to them.....


Kshitija said...

Ok will do

Supriya said...

Thank you Ma’am. Will do both.


Udaya Bhanu Nittla said...

We completed last MM.I will do this.

Udaya Bhanu Nittla said...

In the morning I sent for soul healing. Udaya Bhanu

Vaibhav said...

Yes mam ok