Thursday, July 4, 2024

On sayings and quotes! On taking pride of your journey!



On sayings and quotes! On taking pride in your journey!

Do not carry your pain or problems as your medals.

Remember all our problems are because of our ignorance – ignorance of who we think we are!

Ignorance of what we associate ourselves with!

When we consider ourselves pity-worthy we become weak.

When we seek sorry from others, we become weak.

Weakness attaches us to our ‘ego consciousness’ which in turn makes us more body conscious. And all our suffering and karma starts with this wrong identification.

But, we are not the body!

We are the souls – eternal, divine and complete!

We all are to feel that and know that - and for that we need to develop strength.

The first step to developing strength is to stop ‘pitying yourself’.

Stop blaming others for your problems.

Stop projecting yourself as a poor victim of circumstances.


# ignorance, seed of karma, life journey, quotations and sayings, pride and proud of life journey, 

also read suggested


A short note:

Sometimes I give 2 links on a certain day....if I can take time to search the right post for you, YOU too can find time to go through the link....
you owe it to yourself....
I am not asking you as a favour.....your going through the links doesn't benefit me in any sense....and yet, i repeatedly ask you to.....that is for your own sweet sake....

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

On sayings and quotes! On taking pride of your journey!



On sayings and quotes! On taking pride in your journey!

That would be taking a ‘wrong lesson’ from the ‘right experience’ in life!

Why is it so?

When we are proud, it means we are considering ourselves above others (in this context especially). Think about it in the following scenarios:

I suffered so much of insults and abuses you know

I failed 10 times

Both my marriages failed

I lost in every business that I took up.

I underwent ‘XYZ’ operation or medical procedure.

Would it sound right if we are proud of ourselves or our life situations where we think we are better off than others in such situations?

Are we competing with others in such areas too?

Is our ego so vain that we want to be above others when it comes to facing failures, problems or pain in life?

So don’t be proud in such scenarios. Listen to yourself when you are talking about your pain to others.

See the way you are narrating your story to others.

See the words you are using in expressing or painting your past to others.

Know the difference between taking pride and being proud of your journey!

Look within yourself!

Overcome this weakness.


# ignorance, seed of karma, life journey, quotations and sayings, pride and proud of life journey, 

also read suggested 


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

On sayings and quotes! On taking pride of your journey!


On sayings and quotes! On taking pride in your journey!

“Take pride in how far you’ve come and

Have faith in how far you’ll go!”

Take pride in how far you’ve come – Pride is way different from being proud or arrogant.

Literally, though both words are used interchangeably, they imply different connotations when used together.

Pride means having a sense of deep pleasure or satisfaction in one’s achievements or possessing qualities that reflect something positive about someone – like intelligence, selflessness, hard work, and so.

Here it means you have every right to feel good about your achievements, success and journey.

Pride is used to denote the joy of celebrating one’s achievements. When we overcome lots of hardships in life we have the right to celebrate that strength and resilience in us.

When we face failures and are still going strong, we have the right to take pride in that.

The pain and suffering that we must have endured in our life journey is known only to us. Some we’ve overcome. Some we’ve survived. Others we’ve moved on. We’ve faced a few and grown as a person too! All this is reflected in our life journey.

We can celebrate such a journey. We can take pride in that journey.

But, there is a flip side to this. Many end up being ‘proud’ of their failures, pain and suffering and obstacles that they face in life!??


# ignorance, seed of karma, life journey, quotations and sayings, pride and proud of life journey, 

also read suggested 


Monday, July 1, 2024

Target for July 2024


Target for July 2024

What is the target you have set for July 2024?

What are your personal targets?

What are your material targets?

What emotions/attitudes would you be aware of and work upon this month?

What is your sadhan target?

Do you have any other targets set for this month?

Have you benefitted by setting targets every month? 

If yes, can we set targets in other aspects of our lives too?

If yes, where and how?

If no, why not?


Achievements of June 2024


Achievements of June 2024

Go back to see the targets set for June 2024.

How many have you reached?

What are the other miracles that stopped at your door?

What are your wow moments of June 2024?

What are the steps you can take to make ‘every target set’ doable this June?

If there are targets that you couldn't achieve in spite of you deciding on it, then sit and find out the reasons for it...

then make an action plan to overcome that weakness and next month you'll be able to do better than the previous month.....

That's how this exercise should benefit you.

This is not to blindly write a few lines on "target" and come back with "what you did"...

Don't do these acts mindful and work towards your possibilities...
