Tuesday, April 30, 2024

On being regularly irregular in sadhan!


On being regularly irregular in sadhan!

People usually say with a limp giggle “but maam, I again want to start sadhan. I want to be regular this time. I have understood the importance of sadhan now.”

This almost everyone says like a million times. And they assume themselves to be good. They presume there is nothing wrong with this. One more statement that people always tell me is “Ma'am, I want to do sadhan at my pace” that in short means, I will do only sadhan enough to get my material benefits. I don’t want to heal my attitude and change my character as of now!

Now, let’s look at one statement at a time.

First is giving a break to sadhan regularly. Of course, everyone has his or her own excuses. Let me explain this once and for all! You don’t have to give me lame excuses for not being in sadhan. It doesn’t make a difference in my life if you do or don’t do Reiki. It makes a DIFFERENCE IN YOUR LIFE and attitudes. You need to understand that first! That you are doing it for your own good. You are doing reiki for yourself and to mend the weeds off your life! 

The Next point is “Is it wrong to not do sadhan or take a break from sadhan?”

Technically, the answer is NO! https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=Panacea+for+all+ills%21 


# being irregular in sadhan, sadhan, drawbacks of indiscipline and perseverance in sadhan, success and failure in spiritual field, 

Read related post https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=Me%2C+my+Guru+On+Buddha+and+sweets 

Points to ponder:

Read the COMPLETE link though I may have given just the link to a single-day post....

read the images too - they too have your answers........they are given to clarify your doubts too....

read the comments too......and read also explanations given below the posts if any..

Monday, April 29, 2024

Me, My Guru – On payments to people in the Occult field



Me, My Guru – On payments to people in the Occult field

Remember this ALWAYS – YOU NEED  those services in your life. And so you are dependent on them. They don’t need you. Stop going if it is so painful paying them” Our Guru went to attend to someone while we were left to ourselves.

We didn’t like her answer. It hit us. NOW we also saw that this attitude is the reason our work goes unappreciated both at home and in the office. We found our problem areas. We also found ways to fix it. And yet our anger was directed towards her – as most of times!

We had a long way to go!

“Giving” was a big lesson as she always emphasized. And it was something we all lacked both in learning and living. And unfortunately, unless we learn to give right, we won’t be able to receive right. We wouldn’t be at peace with ourselves. And our karma wouldn’t reduce. She had told us so many times and yet…..yet we chose to be who we are! https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2009/08/payments.html 



# on receiving and giving, on payments made to others, how to payment, payment mode, financial abundance, 

read related posts on this topic https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2024/02/reflections-on-cleaning-lady-achamma.html   

Question time :

How was this post useful to you?

What is your take or understanding from this post?


Sunday, April 28, 2024

Me, My Guru – On payments to people in the Occult field



Me, My Guru – On payments to people in the Occult field

Our Guru continued “So you see, you are not paying for just 12 an hour of their time. You are paying for the knowledge that they earned over the years. Behind that ½ an hour of consultation is years of sadhan and hard work.

Appreciate that!

Respect that!

Understand that! https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2009/07/on-cheating_06.html

Next, did they force you to go to them? 

No one does!

You go on your own. Why?

Because of your fears and insecurities. And once you get their view or advice, suddenly it dawns on you that your going there was unnecessary. Now, who is greedy, money-minded, selfish and manipulative? And who is being accused of those traits?

Look within! Look into your intentions.

Look at your behaviour and conduct.

Look at your dealings.

And then, accuse others of their wrongs.

If you think they are charging more, don’t go.

People also come to Reiki class, get benefits and while paying say words like “All my money is going towards paying your fees. How can I save maam?”

I tell them not to come to class.

No, they want to come, benefit and call me names and then go scot-free without paying. So, remember, if you feel some fees are high, don’t utilize their services. 

But, if you do then don’t crib, complain or taunt while or after paying fees. https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2014/11/attitudes-regarding-financial-aspects.html


# on receiving and giving, on payments made to others, how to payment, payment mode, financial abundance, 

read related posts on this topic https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2017/08/on-financial-healing-and-abundance.html 

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Me, My Guru – On payments to people in the Occult field



Me, My Guru – On payments to people in the Occult field

That rich man was offended. He said, “But sir, how can you charge such an exorbitant rate for just 30 seconds of your work?”

Pablo Picasso smiled and gently answered “No Sir. This is not my payment for my 30 seconds of job. It is my 30 years of practice that I am charging you for. I am charging you for my time of 30 years. During those years I had to practice hard and that hard work has resulted in me drawing your portrait in 30 seconds”.

When our Guru stopped and looked at us, we felt ashamed. https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2009/08/on-wealth.html 

We were judging others for their time of labour.

And yet, when we asked for our salaries and raise, we talked about how much time we have contributed to the firm.

We never saw it that way with others’ job.

Because, if we did we would’ve to be sincere and pay accordingly. And that would be way beyond the ‘fees’ that we were paying. Not only that we were even condescending while paying these people. And maybe that’s why our clients, bosses or offices fave our payments with words like “you don’t deserve it” or so!


# on receiving and giving, on payments made to others, how to payment, payment mode, financial abundance, 

read related posts on this topic https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2020/06/dharma-in-work.html 

Suggestion : read the comments also in the links given....many times you will find the explanation in simple words there with personal experience of some reiki channel....

Friday, April 26, 2024

Me, My Guru – On payments to people in the Occult field


Me, My Guru – On payments to people in the Occult field

 “Guruji, the other day I went to an astrologer. He charged Rs.1000/- for ½ an hour consultation. It was atrocious” said one.

“My uncle went to a Vaasthu consultation and he charged Rs.25000/- for ½ an hour consultation. He just said what was wrong in my uncle’s house. He didn’t even give a remedy. These people earn easy money” quipped the other.

“And I paid Rs.1500/- to a tarot reader unnecessarily. All these people are money-minded. They make easy money” added Vaishnav.

Many others joined with their experiences. Their venting said only one thing – that they were angry with the amount shelled down for these services. They considered such people ‘bad’ and gave them names with various ‘adjectives’ and ‘attitudes’. Why should they charge so and why should we pay so high to them was the final question that came up to seek an explanation.

Hearing all this our guru started “Once Pablo Picasso, one of the greatest painters was having his tea in a café. A rich man came into the café to have a coffee. He immediately recognised Pablo Picasso. He introduced himself as a very rich industrialist and said that he was a great fan of Picasso. He had wanted to meet him for long. Then he asked “Sir, I am a very rich man. Can you draw my portrait on this café’s napkin for me. I’ll pay your fee in toto”.

Pablo Picasso looked at him, nodded his head in agreement, took a charcoal from the owner of the café and drew that man’s portrait in just 30 seconds.

That man was flabbergasted. It was perfect. It was beautiful. It was unbelievable. Then on another napkin Pablo wrote “$ 1,0,000 bill for this portrait”. https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2009/09/attitudes.html 


# on receiving and giving, on payments made to others, how to payment, payment mode, financial abundance, 

read related posts on this topic https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2020/07/me-my-guru-on-valuing-and-gratitude_29.html 

Penny a day – target for the year 2024 - starting January 1st...Day after tomorrow!


Penny a day – target for the year 2024 - starting January 1st...Day after tomorrow!

Further to https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2023/12/penny-day-target-for-year-2024-starting.html this is just a remainder that we had decided on doing this exercise for this whole year to understand and teach our children the importance and the value of small savings!

"Big dreams can be fulfilled when we break them into small doable bits - of everyday acts!" one great mystic said this!

If for some reason you have stopped, start today again....some savings is better than no savings....

Even irregular savers will learn something at the end of the year...

Every process works! Trust the process!!

Thursday, April 25, 2024

My wow moment!


My wow moment!

I couldn’t go to the terrace for the past few weeks in the evenings. Today, I did. And within 3-4 mts of me reaching the terrace, I was looking at the flock of egrets (I presume) flying above me. What a sight! And as I regretted not being able to look at them for long, one more flock just flew past me. I was blessed! I was happy!

I completed my walking, well almost, and then out of nowhere came a hawk. It flew or should I say hovered above me for a couple of minutes and then moved ahead and made quite a few rounds for me to watch its glory!

Then, it left!

Moral of the story: When we do our bit (me going to the terrace here), the Universe showers its abundance on us (here able to watch birds was my gift from high above!).

It does every single time and to each person – without an exception!

Now, it is on the individual to see “the grace” that’s descended from above! One can choose to ignore what is given to us and complain about “the particular desire not being met too”. That is an individual choice!

But, grace is on each one!

We can choose to be grateful, happy, hopeful and cheerful on all such occasions. We can use them to increase our faith and connection with the Divine/Universe. Or we can end up saying “But I asked for grapes and he gave me mangoes”. We can open our “Pandora’s box of pain”. The choice is ours!

What were your choices for today?



# wow moments, being grateful, mindfulness, being awareness, on grace, happiness, 

read the link to receive your blessing https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2021/09/wow-moments-blessing.html

Grace healings – Swathi and Bhanu


Grace healings – Swathi and Bhanu

Sending grace healings to Swathi for 7 days for being the person to do “Metta day healings” as decided. “https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2024/03/metta-day.html?showComment=1713752465296” This is in appreciation of her commitment, perseverance, dedication and discipline that she has practiced through these healing sessions!

Sending reiki to Udaya Bhanu for a day. “ https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2024/04/when-to-rest.html?showComment=1713635598930 This is in appreciation of her resolve to come back to sadhan! 

How nice would it be if people just never left “sadhana” ever!!!!



# sadhan, discipline, on grace, on healing self, heal and all things come your way, 

Why to know  self or meditate inspite of healing ourselves regularly? https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2023/09/me-my-guru-on-knowing-self-and-mind.html 

How to live life the right way? How to make the most of life situations? https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2020/07/this-time-seek-not-ask-not.html 

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Me, my guru – on problems in life!



Me, my guru – on problems in life!

“HE didn’t make any promise of easy and good life when we were sent down. HE didn’t to me, did HE to you?” our Guru asked. https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2017/02/on-feedbacks-etc_27.html

People nodded their heads in negative.

“Then, why do we expect our lives to be easy and as per our taste? It was not meant to be so. But, in being adamant, we expect it to be as per our liking and then suffer when things don’t go our way. Don’t try to fix the situations or people in your life. You never can, you never will be able to do that. Simply fix the ‘wrong assumption’ that you have from life – that it should be as per your idea of perfect. https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=Me%2C+my+Guru+%E2%80%93+on+ego%21

Life is not to go as per our plan. The day we realize it and accept it, life becomes easy and beautiful. Embrace life for what it is. Don’t stifle it with your conditions. It already is beautiful. Don’t make a change in it. Don’t make corrections in it.”

She said just that and that was enough for me. That made my day! The depression that was me for so long was lifted instantly. I realized that when I am open to solutions and understanding, I instantly benefit from the answer and clarity. I was redeemed of my pain and suffering immediately. But the days, I was stuck with my stupidity, well, I lived with pain forever and more!



# life is beautiful, simple is beautiful, life is complicated, life, on minimalistic living, tension free life, awareness, wanting and needing, 

Monday, April 22, 2024

Me, my guru – on problems in life!


Me, my guru – on problems in life!

I was depressed today. Or, should I say since few days? Things were not going my way for quite some time. I wasn’t quite comfortable with it. I reached My Guru’s place with a heavy heart. I wasn’t even in the mood to ask questions or attend any session. All I wanted was to just sit in the corner, while away some time and leave at the end of the day. I picked my corner. I didn’t look at anyone. Thankfully, no one disturbed me today!

“HE didn’t make any promise of easy and good life when we were sent down. HE didn’t to me, did HE to you?” our Guru asked. https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2016/12/me-my-guru-teachers-everybody_22.html

People nodded their heads in negative.

“Then, why do we expect our lives to be easy and as per our taste? It was not meant to be so. But, in being adamant, we expect it to be as per our liking and then suffer when things don’t go our way. Don’t try to fix the situations or people in your life. You never can, you never will be able to do that. Simply fix the ‘wrong assumption’ that you have from life – that it should be as per your idea of perfect. 


# life is beautiful, simple is beautiful, life is complicated, life, on minimalistic living, tension free life, awareness, wanting and needing, 

similar topic posts https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2021/06/where-less-is-more.html


Sunday, April 21, 2024

On being together – Shayaari


On being together – Shayaari

Tum mere paas hote ho goya

Jab koi doosra nahin hota……..Momin

 à¤¤ुम मेरे पास होते हो गोया

जब कोई दूसरा नहीं होता।  

It is as if, you are there with me

When no other person is!


You are there with me when I am all alone and there is no one around!


Wow! What a pregnant lyrical simple and yet complete couplet!

Either we are with someone or with no one….but here the poet says both with the use of a rare word “goya” meaning “as if or when”. He says he is alone. And yet in his solitude, if finds his lover present. To say that he is alone and in solitude, he describes it as ‘when no other person is there with me’. Wow! Such beauty!

No doubt, Mirza Ghalib said he can exchange his entire Diwan (collection of his entire poems) with just this couplet of Momin’s.

The beauty of this couplet like many in Urdu shayaari is that the lover can be treated as both human and the Almighty!

And apply this to the Lord God, how right it fits there too!


Meanings :

Goya – as if, when

Doosra – the other

Saturday, April 20, 2024

When to rest?


When to rest?

"I have noticed that when I let my emotions rule my sense of purpose, they make me mad. 

I become desperate to have my desires fulfilled. And then, fear grips me. I fear my desire not getting fulfilled. 

I get angry that my desire is not appeased immediately. I become weak. I become adamant. 

Anger takes over my senses. 

And I go berserk. I go mad with desire. Like an elephant that goes mad during the mating season, I go crazy until my desire is fulfilled. 

And, it doesn’t stop there. It takes the next desire and then it goes equally crazy till that desire is fulfilled. And this continues." 

This and such understanding can happen only when we put our minds to rest. And rest means to meditate in silence. 

When such thoughts and emotions drive us crazy, then know it is time to take rest! https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2024/04/time-to-rest.html

When we run behind objects of this world seeking relief from pain, happiness, security, and joy - we only get tired and more restless. So, take a break from your routine. Take a break from running around in circles. Take a break from outside and go within. And even a small break can give you a huge breakthrough from all your problems - sometimes! https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=After+the+long+silence

# to rest, peace of mind, calmness, mindfulness, awareness, outerworld reflection of inner world, breakdown situations, problems and solutions, mastering self, success begins with self, 

read related posts on similar topic https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=Me%2C+My+Guru+%E2%80%93+On+Empty+boat 

Question time:

What did you understand as "rest"?

Why should we rest?

How do you propose to rest?

Thursday, April 18, 2024

On sadhan - On Ramanavami


On sadhan - On Ramanavami

Further to https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2024/04/rama-navami-2024.html?showComment=1713432589891 

good to hear that you all have done the same.....

good you have shared too...

it would have been good if you also had given your benefits if any you have noticed, observed or experienced.......

because, at the end of the day, what is the use of any sadhan if it doesn't give any benefit? Every sadhan does. But a sadhak ASSUMES  as per his desire and then shouts or blames the technique or the master you guided him to do so......

When people like you who do it out of an open mind, find its benefits as an incidental benefit and share it with others, then others would also understand that these are the benefits one gets - not the way we demand the benefit to be ......