World Metta Day – 22nd March
Today is celebrated as World Metta Day. The word
“Metta” means benevolence and love for all beings of the World! This day calls
all people from all walks of life and of all religions to practice one to two
hours of silent Metta Meditation. This is done all over the World from noon to
2 pm – local time.
History of Metta Meditation says that a group of 500 Buddhist
monks settled in a forest during a rain retreat. There, the monks felt
unwelcome and unwanted by the forest spirits. They came back and reported to
the Buddha about the same. They even requested him not to send them back to
that forest. Buddha asked them to meditate with an open mind and heart. He also
emphasized that they have welcoming thoughts and feelings during the
meditation. Later, he sent them back to the forest. Now, the monks found that
the spirits were welcoming. These monks now found their practices based on
“Metta Meditation” from then on.
This meditation emphasis that we show love for one and
all including ourselves. The meditation just does that.
As Reiki channels, those who have completed Karuna
Reiki, do “forgiveness meditation” today!
Others can do “Rebirth meditation” with “anger, dislike,
resentment, hurt, conditions, expectations or hatred”.
Higher degrees who have been taught “Love Meditation”
do that.
You can also do “Emotional Healing” with people in
your life especially those whom you dislike or are angry with.
You can also do “Earth Healing”.
Every technique that takes you away from fear and towards accepting yourself and others is a "Metta Meditation".
As Reiki Channels, you have been taught the “Metta
Principle” in so many ways and through so many techniques.
Those who are reading this and not Reiki Channels or those who are Reiki Channels but not under me (as they may not know the techniques that I have mentioned above) - to you (don't feel left out), do 1- 2hr simple chanting "Om shanthi, shanthi, shanthihi".
If you are not an Indian or one who practices some other religion and have a problem saying "Shanthi" as it is in the Sanskrit language, you simply sit and chant "Let there be peace within me. Let there be peace in the world. Let peace permeate through the entire Universe". That should do!
A sadhak is one who uses every excuse to do some or
the other technique. He knows that every technique is a tool that takes him
nearer to Himself!
Those who do this come back with your
experience/observations/ understandings.
I always have said and believed that “Love is all that
needs to be experienced. And healing is all about removing every obstacle that
stops us from experiencing it in toto!”
Come, let’s fall in love with ourselves – once again!
# World Metta Meditation Day, love, on relationships, meditations, loving self, loving kindness, awareness, mindfulness, ego, we reap what we sow, our thoughts and us,
also read previous post on love :
As always said "Read the complete post" using the link given at the bottom of the post.
Question time:
We have traveled a lot on this journey. Now the question is "What has this journey taught you about love?"
How much have you been able to experience it, live it, or understand it?
How has the definition of love changed before Reiki and after for you?
How have various techniques to increase love in you and in your life helped you previously at you various points of life?