Wednesday, February 1, 2023

It’s love, love and love – all along!


It’s love, love and love – all along!

Now, that is the thing about love! It can embrace outright ‘wrong’ to absolute ‘right’ in one single breath! It can turn a sinner into a saint. It also has turned an average person into a sinner.

It breaks you, crushes you and envelops you.

It makes you and then lets you hang high and dry. It bleeds you to death. It is the song of life. It makes life meaningless. It gives you purpose, direction and drive. It drives you crazy and makes you antagonize all and sundry in your life.  It makes you heartthrob of millions. It turns you into a recluse. It makes you, it breaks you. Do you have experiences to support these statements? Can you share with us?

Now, if love is these many, is it not worth avoided?! Unfortunately, it attaches itself to you more you run away from it. And that is the thing about love! Hate it, live it or love it – but you can’t do without it. Either way each one is living with love. Now the taste and shade of love is all it takes to change the flavour that you live and experience of love. 

If the love for me means the other agrees and behaves as per my desire and whims and fancies, it becomes bitter for me. Then, I suffer because of ‘my love’ in my life. And then, I ask “Why maam, why is it we suffer in love?”

When physical fulfilment is the be all of my love, it is then a source of so much of anger, irritation, restlessness, stress and not to say of ailments that are caused by it, to me.


# love, 

read further on love : 

Read the link for further clarification on love....

Question time :

What is love for you?


V Sridhar said...

For me,
Love is "To Be"...

Love is "No Fear, No Worries of tomorrow..."
Love is "Playful innocent children living the moment so fully...that nothing else exists in the world..."
Love is "To laugh when your dear friend shouts or curses at you..."
Love is "Getting a call from a long lost friend who turns the clock back 50 years in a single moment..."
Love is "The first rays of the Sun peeping thru the clouds and emerges a beautiful golden orange ball..."
Love is "Sunset and the kaleidoscopic colors painted in the sky..."
Love is "To Be in the midst of nature - the Himalayan range...a cup of hot tea as you view with awe the huge snow covered peaks on a cold morning... Or a Starry Dark Night"... Or to be in the midst of a thick forest..."
Love is "that something that happens within when you hear your favourite melodious music.."
Love is "that sadness you feel when you lost someone near & dear..."
Love is "Doing or Being involved with that something that you enjoy..."
Love is "Life &... everything that makes it so meaningful, meaningless, turbulent, peaceful, joyful, sorrowful... Soulful..."

Love is "Finally to Be Who you Are..."
Love & Gratitude ❤️ 🙏 💖

Kshitija said...

Love is absolute loyalty.

The above lines struck with me in the post .
I started understanding love in an all new perspective