Saturday, February 11, 2023

On Attitude!


On Attitude!

Change your attitude and lo! Your problem has become an opportunity!!!

Change your attitude and lo! The person you hate becomes your teacher!!!

Change your attitude and lo! The bad time becomes your biggest stepping stone!!!

Change your attitude and lo! You can turn your frown into a smile!!!

Change your attitude and lo! Rainy day looks romantic!!!

Change your attitude and lo! The jeers you hear will sound as your greatest motivational speeches!!!

Change your attitude and lo! The problem you have been staring at for so long gives back a solution.

Agreed problems don’t go away with a change in attitude. But, to find solutions, change is imperative. Agreed situations don’t change with a change in attitude. But, change is possible only with a change in attitude!

Think about it!


# on attitude, positive, life as a teacher, life's opportunities, solutions and problems, character, strong and strength, perspective

also read previous post on attitude :  

read the complete post..........

Question time:

How many times have you found that the change in attitude has benefitted you?

did you change for better?

Did it benefit you or harm you and your life in any way?

Clarification : As per the previous post to 'be grateful for 3 days' -yes, you can be grateful for anything in your life - but this exercise is just to be grateful on a day-to-day basis on these three days i.e., each day whatever you are grateful for about that day you will share and jot down in your journal.





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