Friday, February 24, 2023

Reflections - Life, a puzzle?


Reflections - Life, a puzzle?

The other day, I happened to be at a wedding. So many of my schoolmates attended. Everyone was happy to see each other. There was cheer in the air. And I, was looking at all of this from a distance! (not physically but mentally!)

There were the same friends who as kids I thought would be ‘together for life’. We still meet occasionally – but that’s not it – right? So, in spite of ‘assuming’ and ‘wanting’ things to go our way, it doesn’t – right? In this example, we are not able to continue ‘being with our friends for life!

People go out and a ‘new set’ of people come in. we shift places. We change jobs. Our environment changes. Our circle of people changes. Even the relatives we once considered close grow apart. And the ones we didn’t think much of come closer to us.

When I saw all this, it felt as if I was watching ‘a giant puzzle’ in motion. Pieces getting shifted continuously till the final picture comes together! Wow! So beautiful, subtle, simple, and yet profound!


# life is beautiful, on life, life is a puzzle, mystery of life, meaning of life, purpose of life, everything happens for a reason, everything that happens happens for good, 

previous read suggested: 


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