Thursday, February 2, 2023

It’s love, love and love – all along!



It’s love, love and love – all along!

When my love is to express it in different way every single day, then it expresses as excellence in my field of world. Then it becomes my inspiration, aspiration, support and expression of my potential best! It can be my mom’s cooking, keeping the house clean, writing memo or a personal letter, driving or giving a lecture. It can be a presentation given in a boardroom or avenue for an artist to express himself! Then, it becomes ‘beautiful’ wah taj!

When it is blinded by wrong beliefs it turns as hatred for a certain class of members. Then it becomes destructive. All works of destruction come under this category. Everybody knows the examples. It’s just that we didn’t see it as ‘love’ gone wrong.

When a person out of low self-esteem, self-hate, manipulates or uses his position to cater to his baser desires of physical fulfilment of various kinds then they are the ones who are caught under scams. Then people ask “But maam, he was a Guru no, then how can he be like that?”

No doubt, no two masters are same. Degree they confer being same, there is world of difference in the same. That difference comes from the ‘shade of love’ that they operate from!

I hope many of your doubts are put to rest here!

What applies to a Master applies to a mother too. No two mothers are same. As their operating centre is totally different. I can go on and on. But in the nutshell, when love goes wrong it hurts all! When it is got right, it becomes blessing, sources of healing, happiness and joy for everyone!


# love, 

read further on love : 

Read the link for further clarification on love....

Question time :

Have you experienced love?

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