Thursday, March 21, 2024

World Sparrow day!


World Sparrow Day!

Yesterday, was the World Sparrow Day!

I have met people who don’t like birds??!! That was surprising in a not-so-good way at the start, but then, everybody can have their own likes and dislikes, I thought to myself!

It is not about what we like and don’t. It is about us understanding the role of each life form in our life. It is all about understanding that we are all interconnected. We as humans, consider ourselves as “Gods” when it comes to other life forms! We treat them as non-essentials. But, the fact is, if we are to remain as “Gods” we need to be more considerate of every life form in the World and Universe too!

We need to see the interdependence – between all forms of life and ourselves. We are good just as much as the eco-system is!

Cutting the long story short, let’s do our bit for “Sparrows” or birds in general today or this week to come!

Those who can put out an old small pot/box/can something that a bird can make a nest of. You can’t put these things in the trash and feel that the work is done. NO!

We need to hang them on the walls of our buildings say outside our balconies or on the trees outside our homes or on the roads. The birds such as sparrows will make them their nest or homes.

Next, put out a small tray with water for the birds – outside the house.

Put some bird feed – some seeds for birds to eat!

Teach your children the importance of all life forms! Teach them to care for other life forms! Teach them empathy! Teach them to care for others!

Let’s begin the small way.

Let’s do this at least this week a couple of times!

Let’s go beyond “I, me, myself” for once and see how it feels!


Do revisit the old post on the same: 

# World Sparrow Day, environment, we and the Nature, ecological balance, good life and us, balanced life, our needs and necessities, interdependence, no man is an island

Points understood and questions addressed:

  • Why do we need to care about the animal world in general?
  • What have birds got to do with our well-being?
  • What is the ecological balance?
  • We are all interconnected and we need each other to sustain in the long run. That is called inter-dependence.
  • It is rightly said that "No man is an island"       

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