Thursday, March 28, 2024

Me, My guru – on what it means to love self!



Me, My guru – on what it means to love self!

We were and are complaining that we had to spend a lot of time doing hands-on and other healing techniques. We hated sadhan. It seemed to eat away our time. We wanted things of this World but we didn’t think we could spend a couple of hours doing sadhan. Our Guru always asked us to be in sadhan to get the things of this World. We felt we were entitled to receive them! We compared ourselves with others who had what we sought and felt enraged. We felt we were not given our due. We felt cheated by the Universe and the God. We felt anger. We felt sorry for ourselves. And in that helpless state, we argued with our Guru. It was just that the argument wasn’t in the form of a discussion. It was a complaint enveloped in anger and accusations hurled at her.

She had tried telling us the importance of healing all these years. And yet, we didn’t see it as something that we did for ourselves. We felt we were doing her, God and Reiki favour by doing sadhan.

Her answer and explanation today opened our eyes – at least on paper. Only time will tell if we actually understood it or not!



# ego, illusion, knowing self, enlightenment, realization, completeness, healing, self love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, listening, 

also read previous post on similar topic:


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