Saturday, March 23, 2024

Metta Day!


Metta Day!

I see some of you feeling bad for you feeling left out of this meditation!

Some, for reasons beyond control, couldn’t meditate between noon to 2 pm yesterday!

So, for those who felt left out and who want to take part in this mass healing – let’s make some minute changes.

Let’s meditate for 15-30 minutes daily for the next month. Let’s do this till 22nd April 2024. As already mentioned, you can do any of the techniques already mentioned in the previous post on the same. “…”

Now, regarding the time – Let's do it at noon and then at 9.30 pm. Those who are at home can do at noon and others well, 9.30 pm would be ideal for you.

Some of you may not find both times conducive for your sadhan.

Well, then you do it any time of your day. But, just do sadhan. That is important and not the time at which it is done.

I see only a few expressing the desire to participate in the blog. Well, to them, I will send a message about the technique we will be doing en masse – if they also mention that they would want to do so!

Others, you don’t openly come out in the blog, you can follow your schedule.

Next is the question – why do this at all?

Read the link given above to read the origin of this meditation. If the spirits of the forest can be changed from being “unwelcoming” to “welcoming” spirits, what to say of humans?

So, we need to send ‘love, kindness and benevolence” to all especially to ones in our lives so that we can live a life that we so desire – one where we can have good and loving relationships with all near and dear ones! And the start towards the fulfillment of this desire would be at least one of the parties in a relationship realizing the importance of healing needed. Then that person needs to put that understanding into action. And for that, we need to do active participation – that would be doing meditations to increase the energies of love and benevolence in ourselves and all in our lives!


# metta day, metta meditations, meditation, on love, healing hurt, anger, resentment, working towards love, increasing love energies, healing the earth, healing self, kindness, compassion, heal the karma, karma, 

also read on love previous post: 



Swati said...

Interested in mass healing

Kshitija said...

Yesterday I have done the sadhan of forgiveness meditation and rebirth meditation with hurt . I had a dram this morning and after that I felt one of the issues of my life healed. Thank you for the healings I will participate in meditation at 9:30 pm and whenever possible I will join in the afternoon too.

Aparna Deshpande said...

Yes i am ready for sadan thank you ma'am 🙋🙏💖

V Sridhar said...

Joining from today👍😊
Love & Gratitude ❤️🙏

Swati said...

I have completed the sadhan. Aaj kal it feels mujhe parvah hi nahi is duniya ki.
No matter what people say doesn't hurt or bother much.
If healing for the day is not completed I feel annoyed for things.

Swati said...

After a long long time last week so really good. Felt nice. Felt happy. Felt life within. Feel jumpy. Enjoyed with kids. Laughed and played with them.
All thanks to the multiple healings.
Thankyou reiki thank you guruji thankyou mam.

Swati said...

Felt light.
No grudges no frustration.
When the counter party was annoyed or shouted I was doing their mimicry and laughing.

Swati said...

Completed but not completed.
80 Percent did the first technique and did only 30 percent of the second technique.
I raised my voice on kids when they don't listen but no anger as such. Enjoying with them. Finishing my Target for the day mostly by evening so not much agitated.
When ever I started homam the dynamics in my house changed I mean there was change is staff always do instead of getting angry I am like ok good. No shouting not tensed even if no help. Things still move.