Thursday, March 7, 2024

On Shivarathri



On Shivarathri

And being “Awake” the whole night just doesn’t apply to one single night. It applies to every period of ignorance that is equated with night. We are asleep to our “real nature”. We are ignorant of our soul consciousness. We are bound to this body which is not us! All this is the night that is responsible for our sleep – meaning ignorance. We go around in this life as if we are ‘sleepwalking’. So, this festival reminds us of our sleepwalking state of existence. It is asking us to wake up to our consciousness. It is giving us a call to wake up! So, nighttime, as much as you can be awake be, but in sadhan. If you can’t sit for long, then just do pranayama or meditation for as much as you can and then go to sleep. If possible, wake up early and then do some meditation and go to sleep if you can’t be awake for long.

Those of you who can’t do any Pooja or any other ritual at home and yet wish to be part of this celebration, just meditate and do pranayama. Do it as long as you can. You can do it for ½ an hour, take a break and then do the same. Continue to do so throughout the day and the night. This is best on all accounts. This gives the best results.

Each unto his own!

Pick the sadhan that is closest to your heart and convenience and be with it.

Things will fall in place as the years roll on!


# shivarathri, fasting, rituals of India, Vedic philosophy and culture of India, 

Just visit old posts to recollect that which is already told, experienced, or observed 

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