On slowing down – Sadhan of and for Grace!
Just for one week, let’s do a small sadhan on slowing down. We’ve understood the cons of hurrying – at least on paper. Let’s see the benefits of ‘slowing down’ by living it slightly.
Exercise to do:
Just 5 times per day, do an act as if that is the ONLY
job you need to do. When you are on a job, be with it completely. When you
start any work, state your intentions “This is the only job worth doing for NOW
for ME. And so, I’ll give my best to it. I’ll relish and enjoy doing it. And I
thank Reiki for helping me to do so”.
It can be any job. It can be your daily routine like
brushing your teeth, bathing, eating or so. Or it can be your daily chores like
cleaning, washing, dusting doing Pooja – well, just about anything or it can be
fun things like playing with your family or friends, talking to them or so.
Do it for 3 days without break and share it in blog.
You’ll receive Reiki from me.
This is an opportunity available till 31st
Dec of this year ’24.
# slowing down, mindfulness, awareness, meditation, mundane routine, daily chores of life, life situations,
also read: https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2022/05/on-cloudy-days_0159691219.html
Please Note: reply to https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=2862044755103556326&postID=2398165610028506011
I am also doing it with you as promised by me....
I will participate in it .
I'll do it, thanks Ma'am
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