Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Reflections – on Cleaning Lady Achamma



Reflections – on Cleaning Lady Achamma

A couple of days later, a student paid me 10 times that amount. Nothing big if it was for a class taken! But this student never attends classes or comes for any counseling. This Reiki channel doesn’t bother me with any questions. And yet, periodically he comes (after taking an appointment only) stays for ½ an hour – in whichever class that is being conducted that day, places the ‘dakshina’ (offering) and leaves. I asked him a couple of times the reason for the same. I told him “You don’t take any counseling or attend classes and yet, why do you pay?”

He smiles gently and replies “My works get completed whenever I do Reiki. So many issues get resolved and all that is because of Reiki. So!”

I asked “But, that is because YOU are DOING Reiki for that! Why pay me for that?”

He smiled and replied “It’s all your grace”

He requests me to accept his humble offerings (in his words) and leaves. He never asked for anything. He faces lots of problems and yet he never complains. He is ever grateful for all he receives because of Reiki.

One time he told me “Whatever and whenever I offer anything here, I receive 10 times of that – always!”

Now what did you understand from this episode?

That you’ll receive 10 times what you pay me?



# gratitude, you receive as you give, you receive what you deserve, eligibility, attitudes, character and destiny, on giving and receiving, honesty, validating others' hard work, purity, intent and results, abundance, laws of Universe, 

Revisit old post to understand better in this subject: https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2017/05/ask-and-it-shall-be-given-me-my-guru_26.html 

1 comment:

Aparna Koushik said...

Anything given out of kindness repays back many times higher.. 🙏
Pls correct me mam.