Thursday, February 29, 2024

Reflections – on Cleaning Lady Achamma



Reflections – on Cleaning Lady Achamma

Those who can be honest and courageous enough to see their mind-games, nature and values will find the key to their financial abundance in their life.

Now, coming back to all getting 10 times what they gave!!

Why did they receive it?

Are they special people and hence only they get it?

Or, can we all get it?

If yes, under what circumstances?

Note in all these cases these following attitudes – in all their purity, innocence and spontaneity!

·        Everyone gave without thinking of returns.

·        There was gratitude in their giving.

·        Even Achamma had gratitude to her Lord. That gratitude gave her returns.

·        If you expect returns for what you are supposed to give, well??!!

·        Every act is an act of spontaneity. It is not ‘planned, strategized and executed’. People use so much of their mind/brain that they are so proud of, that they end up messing up everything they touch and do!

·        On the contrary, a person who listens to ‘his heart’ acts on his impulse. There is purity there. There is no expectation. There is love and joy. And so is gratitude.

·        Only when all these come together, do we see them translate as ‘beautiful returns – 10 times of what we give’.

·        On the contrary, when we think and plan, we receive then also – but it is pain and suffering. This I leave for you to understand and come back with your explanations and observations. Fall back on your experiences. Then understand. Then, share. Pool your understanding and see the complete picture that way! 



# gratitude, you receive as you give, you receive what you deserve, eligibility, attitudes, character and destiny, on giving and receiving, honesty, validating others' hard work, purity, intent and results, abundance, laws of Universe, 

Revisit old post to understand better in this subject:

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