Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Reflections – on Cleaning Lady Achamma



Reflections – on Cleaning Lady Achamma

Now what did you understand from this episode?

That you’ll receive 10 times what you pay me?


So, next time don’t come demanding “But maam, I never received anything for the fees paid to you?”


When you go to watch a movie, do you get the money paid back as you come out of the theatre?

Do you expect that? Even when the movie is disgusting, can you expect or do you expect a refund?

NOW, can you expect 10 times of what you paid once you reach home?

Similarly, when you go to the hotel, after eating, is your money returned – 10 times of what you paid to eat?

When you don’t expect there, why expect to receive back from Reiki class?

NOW imagine your boss or Company with your same logic takes back your salary after you’ve worked the whole month.

Would you accept that?

Why do you have two sets of rules – one for our salary and the other for paying in exchange for others’ service?

Those who can be honest and courageous enough to see their mind-games, nature and values will find the key to their financial abundance in their life.


# gratitude, you receive as you give, you receive what you deserve, eligibility, attitudes, character and destiny, on giving and receiving, honesty, validating others' hard work, purity, intent and results, abundance, laws of Universe, 

Revisit old post to understand better in this subject: 

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