Friday, August 25, 2017

What birds teach us - Me, My Guru


What birds teach us?

Me, My Guru

“Just look at the way these birds build their nest. They use all things termed ‘waste’ and ‘useless’ and construct their homes. No way have they harmed environment to build their homes. They don’t go against nature. How thoughtful of them! Have you ever heard every of bird creating pollution because of its construction activity? And we? The less said the better. Their life epitomises ‘zero waste’ living and we?

Just look at the way they raise their young. They both center their lives on ‘the young’ all through. They go in search of food again and again to feed the young ones. The amount of food that they carry in their mouth is so little and so they need to go so many times. Yet, they do it with so much of commitment. No boredom, tiredness or need for break stops them. Learn to love so from them. The way mother bird stays at nest to hatch them and then protect them with no TV or Whatsapp to entertain it. Yet, it never complains. It never says ‘I lost my career because of these kids. I sacrificed my job for them’. The birds just play their roles to the ‘T’ without any show-off or showing any tantrum. They don’t post their good parents and happy family photos on FB. They don’t need certification from others about being ‘good parents’. They just ‘are’. If this is not unconditional love, what is?

If this not parenting is all about, what is?

If this is not being in the moment, what is?

Is this not about ‘doing your duty and leaving the rest to me’ quote of Krishna from Bhagawat Gita?


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