Thursday, August 10, 2017

On Healing

On Healing - its need and techniques


Abilities you need to develop are:

1.The entire essence of Vedas can be summed up in two words “See, Listen”

2.Be still and know I am God!
   Just Be!

3.Just Drop!

4.Faith and patience!


Attitudes that you need to drop completely and develop without fail are:

1.Stop judging

2.Stop justifying

3.Fear is the greatest and the mother of all sins

4.Heights of stupidity – not having life-style, habits and food tastes that are good for healthy body.

5.only thing worth developing right from school – CONCENTRATION. Your level of concentration decides your ease of work and levels of success in any field you choose!

6.practice Silence!
Both physical and mental...


(I’ve written multiple posts to just stress the importance of all the above abilities and attitudes and way to work on them. As I’ve explained most of these topics umpteen times, I did not venture to explain much about them and hence presume them to be clear. If not, please seek clarification)

Sorry dear, you wanted ‘one word answer’ and I give you essay answer. But at lower stages of spiritual journey when we are blown at will by our mind, we need as many remainders and techniques to be on the track. But be relaxed it is not so throughout the journey. It is similar to a pyramid. It keeps reducing as agitation of mind reduces and ultimately it narrows down to ‘Meditation’ or ‘Look within’. But at lower levels what with so much pain, anger and confusion only meditation can not give results what all these put together give! (But then even in meditation, the techniques are many depending upon the need of the hour and the purpose for which it is done. May be sometime in future I may take class to teach various methods of meditation - different levels. And no it is not for people who are interested in gaining something of this world. That class would be ONLY useful to those who are interested in losing what they have, not in gaining anything more. And since that type of people would be bit rare to come across, so..........)

When external forces don’t or hardly have any effect on our psyche then ONLY ‘Meditate’ will do. But then even that is only a technique not the end by itself. Ultimately, soul has to outgrow even this stage, drops even this technique when he ‘Realizes Self’ and becomes ‘One with All That Is’. Then as he becomes one with all, what is that he has to heal, what is to know and what is to achieve? 

Then this journey ends........and the next level journey starts......


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