Wednesday, August 9, 2017

On Healing!

On Healing - its need and techniques

But what is sadhan?

If you apply ‘sadhan’ to only ‘hands-on’ then the pain you need not have lived now, you end up suffering for many years till hands-on heals that attitude in you. For eg. In type I situation, simply remembering and applying “Situation is real but suffering is optional” instead of waiting for hands-on to heal that pain. So if you understand, every ‘option’ is sadhan and if you understand it that way, then ‘sadhan, sadhan all the way’ is right.

That  also doesn’t mean that ‘I remember all your ‘tag lines’ and so am in sadhan’ is right. No, doing away with healing techniques completely doesn’t make one sadhak either. We should do healing regularly but still be using these ‘sign posts’ to come out of the situation then and there.

Say if I am “not judging” my friend for his extra-marital affair as I know “Judge not for ye shall be judged”, then I am in sadhan. For such cases I need not waste the energy that I receive through hands on to heal my anger on him. (That doesn’t mean I should want to be in his position and expecting same treatment from him).

Whenever I meet someone, I am “In NOW”, then I am in sadhan. If while playing I am playing and while arguing I am arguing I am ‘in sadhan’. ‘Being here and now’ is also being in sadhan.


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