Friday, August 18, 2017

on religion....


Why does this happen and whose fault is it?

If you look at the larger picture, may be nobody is at fault.

Why it happens – every soul reincarnates in a certain circumstance to learn and unlearn some quality – say love and hatred. Depending upon its past karma, it is given few choices to make while choosing a life that it wishes to lead. This life has circumstances that are conducive to the growth of ‘that particular soul’. But whether that soul makes right choices or not once it incarnates is questionable. It may or may not. If it makes wrong choices, again it is counseled by higher energies after death and again given a set condition where it can learn its lesson right this time. This continues till it has learnt its lesson right. This is one school where you can’t choose not to learn ‘something’ out of choice. Every lesson is a must.

So if I spend this life hating a Jew, I would be born as one next life and vice-versa till I understand that all are basically one – both in terms of matter (made up of five basic elements), emotions (have same as that of lust, anger, greed, ego, envy and jealousy) and even in spirit we are one!

But before this understanding we suffer various stages of differentiation.

So you see a person who is barbaric, converting others either through force or bribery or a fanatic assuming only the form that pleases him is ‘God’ and all other forms are wrong belong to ‘souls’ who are in this journey as already explained earlier. They are at the lower stage on spiritual path.

Imagine spiritual growth to be a ladder where at the lowest is that person who finds ‘differentiation’ at its peak as he looks only at the physicality of religions i.e., the rituals language etc of the religion.
When the soul grows in character of openness and gives emphasis on the mental aspect, then he looks at the mental aspect of the religion. He understand the whys and how’s of various rituals of questioning with openness and not with cynicism and becomes more aware that rituals of various paths have same purpose  then he respects a ritual for its purpose and doesn’t judge it for how it is done.


(All this is explained in detail in (my) Karuna reiki class and other higher degree classes little by those you have attended higher degrees would be able to understand what is being said here more clearly...)

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