Wednesday, August 23, 2017

What birds teach us? Me, My Guru

What birds teach us? Me, My Guru

“Siberian cranes travel such long distances and for so long periods and yet – yet they are never late. They reach the ‘places’ of their habitat on time. They don’t have bio-metric punching machines, shouting bosses, nagging MIL’s, demanding spouse or strict Guru to point out that they are ‘late’ – yet they are on time” she was talking about cranes but I felt that was a jibe at me. Yes, I was late as usual. I really tried hard and yet I don’t know why I end up being late – even today! I simply went and sat silently, joining others. Suddenly I felt strong hatred for these cranes. Why did they have to migrate and that too so religiously every year – same time? Their nature was responsible for me to get mocked at today. I didn’t like them. Nice that they had to do so much of work.... I was still cursing them mentally as our Guru continued her explanation in physical world “We relate
freedom with birds. And always say ‘wish I was a bird, want to be free like a bird’. But have we ever looked at birds’ life closely. With its freedom comes greater responsibility of being ‘self-reliant’. It has to work for food every single day – be it rain or sunshine. It has no Sundays in its calendar and any festival or casual holidays. No vacationing too for it. It has to work every single day otherwise it and its family goes hungry and it can’t afford it as it can’t go to doctor and get vitamin tablets later”.

We all laughed. That scene was worth imagining. It was true. Since they didn’t have concept of ‘fridge’ or ‘bank’ they couldn’t save for the rainy day, so that later on a rainy day they could sit relax and enjoy mirchi bajji (favourite hot snack in India) with tea while listening to music. They never even know that such a luxury exists and yet – and yet we envied them. They were workaholics out of compulsion and yet never seemed sad or complained. They were fearless of tomorrow. We could come up with so many of points when she continued “They live each day. They never plan for tomorrow. They live for now and here. And that was the reason for the ‘energy’ of peace and freedom that they radiated.


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