Thursday, August 17, 2017

on religion...


Now coming to Hinduism :

Do you see any of these ‘acts’ or ‘thoughts’ in Hinduism?

Remember the story of Hiranyakashyap and Prahlad. Prahlad was tortured and sent to death by his own father inspite of being his only child. Why? Because Prahlad did not accept his father to be God and believed in God in the form of Vishnu.

Next, let’s take case of Ravana. He was ‘Greatest of Shiva Bhaktha’ but did not respect/recognise Vishnu even as God. Result – he hated Vishnu and gave trouble to all his devotees. End – he met his death in the hands of a mortal Prince and his army of monkeys and bears.

Both represent the same nature of barbarism where a person assumes it his right to kill the other who doesn’t follow his faith.

“But they were asuras”. Right! They were asuras and hence their nature is justified by their act. Asura is not ‘a Hindu’. Asura is a person who has very little spectrum of perception with regards to issues especially of religion and ethics. For him might is right. And he believes in subjugating people, plundering looting people, bringing about chaos, destruction wherever he goes. Asura is one whose definition of happiness is “What I benefit is of no importance to me. It is enough if it hurts or harms you”. If this is the principle that governs a person he is called an ‘asura’ and they didn’t vanish after ‘Treta Yuga’. They are just as normal as you and me. Whenever I revel in sadistic pleasure, asura in me raises and each time I live and sacrifice for the other, I sympathise with the other I let the ‘divine’ in me express himself. Now a person who lets his ‘demonic’ nature act and express itself number of times, becomes an epitome of asuric qualities over the period of time. The religion just helps him to express that nature of him without feeling guilty of his act or intention or in other words, he uses religion to express his nature.


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