Monday, August 28, 2017

Reiki retreat!

This was a (I don't know what it was) suggestion/request/ idea worth implementing made by one of you....

"......  It's about reiki retreat just like a yoga retreat. 
A place were people come for a week or so and do Reiki. A 7 day schedule can be fixed. Discourse , yoga , hands on reiki , different types of techniques, meditation etc can be included in it. 
Mam is this concept of reiki  retreat possible?  Can we have something like this????...."

Want feedback on the same...want to know how others feel and what you all want (or most/some of you want).....please explain/ give answer clearly - not just yes. If yes suggest how you want that to be as and also why you want it in the first place...because we can't conduct one if we don't know the purpose behind such a retreat...and if the answer is no, well no need to explain anything would be self explanatory....

also tell me what this 'yoga retreat' is about? what do they do there? how do they go about? and why is it conducted?


Kshitija said...

We would love to have a reiki retreat why because?
1. Want to heal my self .
2. Doing in the presence of a guru is entirely different want to experience the change in me
3. Also would like to contribute towards others

Yoga retreat that I heard about is
1. The make the people do yoga
2. The provide the diet such as fruits salads etc
3. Make the people do natural therapies

Mona said...

Reiki retreat is a great idea!
- Would be especially helpful to people like me who are not in Hyderabad and dont get to attend repeat sessions.
- It would be great to meet others and learn about their experiences.
- For once we will not have excuses for not healing ourselves. :-)

However, there can be two options of duration (3 days and 7 days). I feel 7 days might be too long for people who are working.

Anonymous said...

Greetings Revathi Mam,

I feel one class for 2-3 hours per week is much better option.

By meeting once in a week I feel below are the benefits

1) We will be meeting regularly! Which means we will have consistency :) Slowly and steadily everyone will get a chance to improve and if by chance we miss this week due to any unforeseen situations , we will always have an opportunity to attend it next week.

2) Once in a month we can have a long full day types meeting like we used to do Annual Reiki Meet so that people who stay far from Hyderabad and cannot commute every week can come atleast once a month to attend this. Once again they will have this option every month!

I strongly believe that regular practice and being consistent will go a long way to help us grow. This will lay a strong foundation. Just like going to school,collage or for that matter any class it's important that we attend regularly, similar is the case with Reiki or with our spiritual journey.

3) We can have different agenda every week viz..

1st week of every month our class should focus on self improvement, hands on, chakra healing, our own spiritual journey etc.. Since everything stems from us it's best that we start from healing ourselves first.

2nd week we can discuss about our material lives, abundance in all aspects of lives, healthy way of living, what kind of food to have etc..

3rd week about relationships, how to fulfill our duties let it be of any relationship but not being attached to it. Making a relationship more meaningful. Profession , Education etc..

4th week, How to give back to society? Since we are a part of our society, mother earth, nature etc.. we owe to it and it's our responsibility to give back constructively to them :) how can we contribute by doing Reiki for benefit of others, for our country etc... How can we understand our culture, importance of festivals, how to celebrate it in a better manner etc...

We can plan more as we keep evolving...

One VERY IMPORTANT thing which I feel we all should inculcate and keep in mind is that we should respect this initiative at the most and be disciplined! After a very long time we will be getting another chance to sit along with Revathi mam and do reiki,we should make the best use of it :)

Madhumitaji and other's who cannot attend regularly because they stay far away but have deep interests, We can use technology to connect to each other even though we stay remotely. A simple group skype video call or whatsapp video call when the session is going on in the class will surely help you. I can help in whatever way possible :)

I know being with mam in the class is a different experience all togeather but you will atleast not miss out things :)

These were my ideas.

Will be eagarly waiting for Revathi mam's final decision too :)

Swati said...


thankyou very much mam for doing the retreat. From your busy schedule, you designed class as per our convenience.
Thank you for the retreat sessions.
It is very benefitting.

Nice way to be motivated and do more and get from from our life's and from sadhan
Thank you very much