Tuesday, August 8, 2017

On Healing!

On Healing - its need and techniques


So, to sum up, I’ll give the techniques or mantra to heal the respective issue. Take a print-out and paste/keep it at every place you’ll find it handy – in your purse, paste it inside wardrobe, in your office draw, on your desk, in your cell phone.

And whenever you feel low, angry, confused go through this and may you’ll find your way.

1.Situation is REAL but suffering is OPTIONAL!

2. “When elephants walk, dogs bark”

It’s better to be successful and alone than be mediocre and be part of crowd

What they think/talk of me, reflects who they are, not me!

3.Sadhan, sadhan and more sadhan.

4.When you’ve hit the wall/touched rock bottom
“Go for a walk/drive ALONE!”

5.Go within!
Solution for every problem lies within!

6.You created the situation, YOU CAN HEAL IT TOO!
Just decide!

7.Greatest Lie: I am afterall human!

ONLY TRUTH: I am Soul Divine, eternal, untouched and all-knowing!

8. ONLY thing certain in this world is UNCERTAINITY!

Expecting this changing world to remain same is one of the major causes of our suffering!

9.You can’t take bath/dip in the same river twice!

When you meet someone, don’t bring his past to see him now. That way you can never see him for what he is now! Now when you meet him, meet him for who he is now! He’ll not be available to meet tomorrow. So be now and here!

10.Stop worrying.

11.You are what you see!

Situation : You’ve just missed a major accident/survived a major accident.

Selfish person/complaining person/pessimist is “looking at accident, why it happened and who was responsible for it”.

A believer/balanced person/loving person – pure and thanks Reiki/Guru/God for saving him and he wonders at the miracle that he just now was part of!

He thanks for “What could’ve but didn’t happen”.

12. If you have time to worry, you have time to time to pray.

13. Situations don't make or break us, we use situations to make or break us....



Vaibhav said...

Greetings Revathi Mam & Others _/\_

Just to add few more beautiful thoughts/lines to the ones mam gave
I found useful and meaningful and wanted to share are :

1) Don't GO thru life, instead GROW thru life!

2) It is your DECISIONS that determine your destiny and not your conditions.

3) We suffer not from the events in our life but from our judgments about them

4) If you have time to worry, you have time to pray! (Mam said this earlier..)

5) How others behave with you is their Karma & how you react is yours! So choose your words and actions carefully and wisely!

I've added these as a daily reminder in my phone at 8 AM. So every day I keep reading them... It infuses lot of mental strength & aids better understanding on how to handle life situations!

& ya club this with your regular sadhan then it's like adding glitter to gold. In my personal experience, when you are in regular sadhan and you improve your understanding capabilities such lines make lots of sense to you, You will absorb them & apply well and just like mam's explaining, for few situations you won't feel you are responsible or you should heal them or feel guilty about it. You will just let go and feel much peaceful!

Thank You, Mam .. The efforts that you take in writing all this is really commendable. _/\_ It's not so easy to explain people such things/points but you have this talent of explaining them well.

REVATHI said...

Any positive talent that one has is to be put to use for greater good only...otherwise what is the use of such a talent? each person has something as a talent that can contribute to make this world a better place...its just that he/she has to know about that and put it to better use.......

Vaibhav said...
