Friday, August 18, 2017

on religion....


Next when his character develops empathy, compassion and viveka (power of discrimination) he looks at the concepts of religions. Here, he stops looking at followers and their conduct. He studies only the concepts and finds the similarity of various concepts in all religions. Here he is unifying various religions under the head of ‘concept’.

When his growth expands and he enters ‘intuitive zone’ of understanding, he steps into spiritual realms of ‘Reality’ where his various experiences and understanding that comes with knowing (this knowing cannot be had through books or discourses, but only through meditation) gives him power to love – love beyond boundaries and as it expands and encompasses all, it gradually breaks one boundary of understanding after the other. Here the expanse of his understanding increases as he looks at others more as ‘souls’ than as individuals with body and its attachments ( viz. Name, case, nationality, sex, religion etc).

This is the first step in his journey of finding that ‘oneness’ among the ‘All that is’ and here he no more bothers for what religion you follow for he has experienced that each religion is just a step or a stage that is required in the journey of the soul.

He is sympathetic towards all and their flaws, frails and mistakes because he knows they are required to reach where he is now. He hates none!

Does it mean I don’t do anything seeing all this wrong happening?

Ofcourse you do need to do a lot. But worry and getting anger are not in that list. As already explained if I hate Muslim, I am born as one. (Read Brian Weiss’s Many Lives, Many Maters). You become the object of your dislike or love as the case may be. Remember all asuras merging into Vishnu because they kept hating him all through.

Even scientifically it’s been proved by west. One white woman gave birth to a black boy and her husband (white) sued her. She had paternity test done and the DNA matched. Doctors were stunned. Then they found that that lady had a photo of a black man in her room regularly during her pregnancy period. So, it was proved that whatever a person thinks of regularly and repeatedly becomes that. Read story of Jada Bharath in my blog. 


read Jada Bharath and the effect of psychic impression on soul journey :

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