Sunday, August 27, 2017

What birds teach us - Me, My Guru


What birds teach us?

Me, My Guru

What is seen as ‘old-age homes’ is not bad if it is properly understood and applied. If children out of greed and selfishness push parents out of the house after usurping all their earnings, then it’s their bad karma and that is ‘Adharma’. But parents if (and they should by the way)understand and apply this time and opportunity to live within the means and in study of self and scriptures – away from the familial circles – nothing like it! It may sound harsh. But think when you want to pursue your spiritual need seriously, if not atleast after 60 years. Learn to ‘let go’ from birds. Only a person who knows when to ‘let go’ can be peaceful and happy”.

We had our much need tea break! God, that last one was a sixer. Most of us wanted our parents to listen to it and apply but following it personally – that seemed too demanding and far stretched. It looked good on paper but to apply it, well, we weren’t sure! Like many of her words we chose to ‘hear’ her words and not follow it later.

Later during our discussion, we decided we would take it slow and work on the first stage of ‘letting go’ with regards to kids. We would bring them up with utmost care, love and affection sharing the principles that we wish to look up to (yes, we look up to and not one that we lived, because it was easier to give them ‘right’ Ideals rather than be one. But just because we couldn’t live up to our principles, doesn’t mean we don’t pass it on to them. Who knows maybe they can raise their standards to our set principles). But all the while working on our
‘attachment’ to our expectations, hopes and conditions on them so that when they are ready to leave our ‘nests’ of love and support, we are able to ‘let go’ without any feeling of remorse, anger, hurt, disappointment, complaint and depression. Yes, we could do that right from today especially since we had our Reiki techniques to fall back on. This decision seemed to take a huge burden from our head. We were pleasantly glad with ourselves. We had a workable and achievable plan and action. We felt arrived! We seemed to have done work of a decade with just that decision. We deserved one more round of tea for certain. We left her place in peace. She really must be glad to have us as her students...we guessed – nay, I did......


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