Wednesday, August 16, 2017

on Religions

I am just giving part of the conversation which had the following concern:

"I have no issues with other religions but I am really bothered about following and always voice my concern :

1. Conversions to Christianity
2. Conversions to Islam
3. Conversions to any other religion and even within Hinduism conversion to a certain cult from the other cult....

When I replied to this question I thought this question was something that many had  and have and thought it good to address it to all now...since I felt you too are ready to receive this answer......may be I have said a 'lot' in 'too little words' that may seem 'little difficult to understand'...if you find it so...please ask and get it clarified instead of assuming something which I didn't mean...again let me clarify I will not repeat what is told in Karuna and other higher degree classes...what is not usually told in all classes (I mean what is not the usual syllabi of any of higher degree) only that part I will explain here....

On conversions to other Religions and Vaishnavism

Let’s look at Islam : It’s youngest of religions dating just
1200yrs and its origin is traced to its prophet – Mohammed. When you try to judge or understand a religion, it is imperative that you look into its origin geographically too! it started in ‘Arab world’ – a world of nomadic tribes with their barbaric views and way of living. A man who becomes ‘Messiah’ of such a group can give a religion that fits their life-style and helps them in pursue of their endeavour and ideologies only. These people knew not mercy, love, compassion or forgiveness. Their religion was to loot, plunder, subjugate and to cater to their base instincts. From this background, came a religion which gave a code of
do’s and don’ts to be blindly followed by its followers. This was so suited for those tribes who were not ‘thinking men’. ( I am not going into the details of this religion, its start etc assuming you know about it). Then what is surprising to observe that one of their ‘religious rules’ is to kill everyone who is not a ‘Muslim’. And to give it a religious touch to this barbaric act was a word attributed which made this ‘mass killing’ dear to their God – Allah’ and thereby sanctioned them direct entry to heaven.

This being fact did all Muslims follow this path?

Few mystics who were influenced with Vedic philosophy saw a different meaning to the same words that Islam stood for. For eg: ‘Allah is the Only God’ – Allah-o-Akbar.

If Allah be the only God then he created whole of humanity and no father would want one child to kill the other. This, these mystics realized by going within and ‘Realizing self’ which is the basis of Vedic philosophy and then out of sheer ecstasy these mystics danced singing ‘tu hi tu hai harsoo’ meaning you are everywhere. Every sufi poet saint be it Rumi, Amir Khusrou, Baba bulleshah and others talked about “He being everything and permeating everything. There is none other than Him”. This is the ‘ultimate Truth of Vedic and Advaitic Philosophy’ which was lived, taught, experienced thousands of years before Mohammed was born or for that matter Islam was conceived or revelation happened to Mohammed. And yet............


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