Thursday, August 24, 2017

What birds teach us? Me, My Guru


What birds teach us?

Me, My Guru

Freedom demands courage to take responsibility and only the brave embrace responsibility wholeheartedly and hence they deserve and enjoy freedom. But most of us feel freedom means ‘freedom from – work, being answerable, taking responsibility and someone out there ready to fulfill our every wish – said and unsaid at the drop of a hat even without raising a finger’.

“With greater freedom comes greater responsibility”. If only we knew this – and the minute we know it, we start crying. Complaining, hating the person who is not living up to our demands and expectations! And we are sorry for ourselves! We are cursed by our insecurities and laziness to a life of bondage. No one denies us freedom. Our attitude and actions drive it away from our lives” she concluded.

Few of the students surrounded her and we were left alone with our thoughts. How often I had complained about not being ‘given freedom’ when I actually shunned responsibility completely! I wanted the ‘rights’ that came with freedom but the duties part seemed ‘atrocious and demeaning’ to me. It felt like a punishment. I loved coming home late and being answerable to none and always looked forward to staying alone. It also meant I didn’t have to share my ‘earnings’ with others called ‘family’. The financial freedom of that sort was so welcome. I hated having to earn for others at home. But it also meant I had to take care of little nothings like ‘the daily chores’ all by myself and I hated it. It was too over whelming.

Because I myself was not clear as to what I wanted of life, it always went for a ride. Now I knew where the problem was. I had to address my ‘desire’ completely and get to understand it clearly. Only then its materialization would give me fulfillment.


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