Thursday, August 3, 2017

on healing

On healing - Its meaning, need and techniques



Imagine ‘soul’ to be a bulb radiating light but it is behind a glass that is filled with dust, then though the soul be 100wts bulb (though soul’s intensity and brilliance can’t be compared with anything material, I use these examples only to drive home a point with common examples. So please bear with me and be with me) the light that comes through the glass would be hardly that of 1 wt because of dirt on the glass that doesn’t let the ‘brilliance’ express itself.

Now what has that got to do with healing and fulfillment of my desires?

To fulfill one desire ‘energy’ required would be say 50wts then with 1wt brilliance it takes 50 days for its fulfillment. Even this would’ve been ok if we had only one desire over a period of time. Our desires rise at scores per minute and many times self-contradictory. So, the amount of energy that is distributed among them – well, you do the maths. No doubt, it takes aeons for our desires to find an expression.

So, what’s the solution?

Simple! Increase the brilliance and reduce the chatter of brain and release of thoughts to the bare minimum. This two way action increases the energy available to the fulfillment of your desire and decrease dissipation of energy into unnecessary areas. I hope you are clear till here!


1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Simple! Increase the brilliance and reduce the chatter of brain and release of thoughts to the bare minimum. This two way action increases the energy available to the fulfillment of your desire and decrease dissipation of energy into unnecessary areas.
This part is very true as the Sadhna increases the chatter of brain decreases and thus decreases the dissipation of energy into in necessary areas