Friday, August 4, 2017

on healing!

On healing - its need and various techniques


Now coming to healing, well, it’s about removing all the dirt from the glass – that’s all! And what is this dust made of or where did it come from in the first place?

Well, since I dg, I’ve been talking about belief systems, opinions, conditions that rule our emotions and feelings. (All this is already explained in I dg and in more detail in Karuna Reiki and higher degree classes along with soul journey, it’s need, causes and effects. So, I’ll not talk about that here!) So, the more belief systems, conditions we break, the lesser would be the dirt or blockages in our Aura and thereby more expression of our ‘brilliance of Soul’ or Divinity which naturally effects the way our thoughts materialize in life.

Rama, Krishna, Buddha are such classic examples of ‘Brilliance of Soul’ expressed at it’s highest and hence one role-models inspiring people millions/thousands of years later to their existence.

So, now if you’ve understood all this (I hope I’ve explained it clearly – and no, don’t ask me “maam I didn’t attend Karuna Reiki with you, so please tell Soul Journey etc here.......). You’ll understand that healing has to do with removing as many ‘belief systems’ as possible to ‘regain our Divinity’ because more we do that, more easier it would be to know ‘Self’, our soul-agenda, purpose of our birth and easier to fulfill our desires.

Our ‘belief-systems’ stores ‘kaama, krodha, lobha, mada, matsaryam (lust, anger, greed, ego and envy) in various degrees and in various layers of our Aura.


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