Wednesday, August 2, 2017

On healing!

On healing - its need, techniques 


Then when I say ‘heal’ what does that mean?

Every person sees himself as a bundle of flesh full of emotions, desires and feelings. But, in reality there is no such ‘entiry’ as ‘body’ without a ‘soul’. The soul is the real ‘YOU’. Body and its appendages are of the soul.

What or how does this change anything?

Simple! When and if you are a body, then you are a limited being wishing or begging for things beyond your domain. You are at a lower pedestal seeking favours from someone at higher pedestal and your happiness and well being are at the mercy of that ‘higher Being’. Thankfully, this is not the scenario. (as we don’t belong to some ‘religion’ that was started by some ‘human’ some 1000/2000 years ago.


There is second (let’s assume it to be just a supposition as of now) that we are ‘souls incarnated in this body to experience the material world and its experience to learn the lessons of ‘spiritual journey’. And every soul is Divine, omnipotent, eternal, love and knowledge personified. Because soul is exact replica of the Divine, it has powers of creation as that of its creator too.  And hence it manifests every thought into a ‘reality’. Yes, your every thought becomes a reality. There are no filters there. Whether it is good or bad, every thought becomes a reality – most of them not immediately but may be couple of janmas later. This wouldn’t require healing as anyhow your wish becomes a reality if not for your condition that you want it ‘now and here’ and in this life-time. Then that requires healing.


(P.S : reg. comment that is the basis of this post : it is really surprising that YOU should remember what has been told in the class that you attended more than 7-8 yrs back...and more than that you are working on that...especially the explanation of Guru, i had given that hardly 5-6 times in all of my classes put together and yet! That's why i always tell degrees don't matter...people with master and above degrees don't 'remember' what i taught correctly and moreover twist my words to fit their convenience and here i find people with just basic courses 'remembering' my words exactly the way i said and even if they didn't get it then, they didn't twist it to fit their bill...instead you wait and keep thinking on it, healing self and understanding it when the time comes.......that's how it has to be done....blessing to you and other such of students who are just II degree or so (as told by master often) are actually the ones who are walking the path the right way....that's why i wish to repeat again here - don't compare yourself with others (even if they have highest degree in Reiki) or let others put you down because of their degrees. You are going right way! just don't let this get to your pure in heart, be smiling genuinely and stick to your healing.....)

1 comment:

Mona said...

:D Thank you Ma'am. I'm just blessed with good memory.