Sunday, August 6, 2017

On Healing!

On Healing - its need and techniques


Type C Situation : Where the person controls you, abuses you or uses you and then forsakes you.

In such or related cases, it means we are meeting a repetitive character or type of person again and again in our lives.

Here, it is a serious issue. The problem is more about US rather than the other. The energy we generate is attracting such of people in our lives. Then, we need to meditate and find our attitude that is attracting such people and heal it completely from our system with technique best suitable for our ‘such attitude’. The day we are healed, such people either change or move out of our lives. Again we can’t control the ‘type of outcome’.  It is for Reiki to decide who changes and stays and who leaves. We can’t put such intention. We can only ‘heal our attitude’ and the healing will take its’ course.

In such cases “Sadhan, sadhan and more sadhan” is the key-word!.
So you see you can’t have one teaching for all situation and people.

A true Guru is one who has one lakh techniques for one lakh students.

One who gives one to all knows nothing about technique or healing. You can’t have one medicine for all diseases! But I’ve my go to one Mantra for all seasons and all reasons. That is – “Look within”.

Yes, whenever I find a pain (any form) I never go out. I always look within for its cause and when I trace it I apply required technique to heal it – I take necessary actions to heal it. Not every time it is about healing.

My ‘break-down’ situations I’ve healed by for a walk or a drive – going alone! It always worked! Not that the situation was healed or I got a solution. But I became calm enough to handle it. So my go – to mantra on first step’ in acute painful situation is ‘Go for a walk or a drive – alone’.


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