Thursday, August 17, 2017

on religion...


Christianity : This is little older and is 2000 years old and in actuality isn’t a religion on its own just as Islam. Jesus himself was a Jew just as Buddha and Mahaveera were Hindu Kshatriya Princes. Jesus revolted against rituals followed in the churches by Jewish Rabbi and questioned them on the purity of their intent. He said mere physicality wasn’t enough of a prayer but one needed to surrender one’s will completely to God to drink of His Grace and become His vehicle and thereby inherit the kingdom of God.

Can’t you see the similarity here again of all these principles with ‘Bhakthi Philosophy’ of Hinduism? It is!  That is because Jesus vanished from Jerusalem at around his 14th year and returned only after his 30th year of age. The missing period of his life is never discussed or sought after by ‘blindly believing Christians’. It is found in Tibetan Monastery of India in Himalayas (in the manuscript 2000yrs old) that Jesus did come here and studied Vedic philosophy, various meditation techniques, practiced them and left when he became ‘Enlightened’. That’s why he could say ‘forgive them for they know not what they do’ of his oppressors who were nailing him to death on the cross. No where he talks about conversion – but only of believing in the God and the path where in one developed qualities of compassion, mercy, forgiveness, treating all as self (treat thy neighbour as you would want to be treated) as such of qualities.

Treating all as self is the ‘concept of non-duality’ of Hinduism. So, he never taught killing. Yet all the genocide of Jews happened in the name of Jesus. He preached right. The followers were at fault. They couldn’t love enough. They killed ‘the embodiment of love on cross’ and once done with him, they had to divert the hatred within themselves somewhere and so they used it in the name of their religion to slaughter all whom they thought were inferior to them.

But if you look into mystics in this religion, say St.Francis of Assisi or St.Theresa – their spiritual ecstasy, experiences, way of life and sayings correlate with mystics of any other religion.

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