Saturday, August 26, 2017

What birds teach - Me, My Guru


What birds teach us?

Me, My Guru

Birds and Bhagawat Gita – wow! Now that’s something I could never have come up with. But then that’s why I was here and she was what she was – a Guru! Many of us had knowledge – atleast theoretical in most of these worldly subjects that she quoted. But her words gained more weightage and depth because she could connect them. We read, saw and understood each topic topically but she was always connecting them and bringing about a connectivity. And the application part – wow simply superb! Maybe that’s what spiritual outlook is all about!

“Inspite of caring so deeply and 24/7 when ‘the time’ comes they just push their young ones out of nest. They teach them to be self-reliant and let them be too! They don’t use them as their ‘old age card’. That is ‘love’. To give all of oneself till the other needs and to send him out into the world to embrace life and its lessons with its experiences without thinking of self – that really is love and that love is lived and practiced by birds only!

Hinduism looks at every aspect of life and living and hence the code of living or Dharma as it is called as framed keeping in mind such factors. Hindu is to lead a materialistic life as a ‘Grihastha’ – house-holder from his 25th to 60th year only. Then he is to transfer all the responsibility of his family to his able sons and if wife willing take her along or otherwise go alone on ‘vanaprastha ashram’ – the life of living as a ‘ashramite’ – not in ashrams as of today's – with TVs, A/cs and loud-speakers. No! A place – a habitat in a forest which was inhabited by the ‘seers’ or Rishis and living only on natural foods and on minimum sustenance and instead of ‘passing time’ – after retirement, using it completely to the study of scriptures and self following various techniques of self-restraint. This way the age where physical abilities were getting weak, mental abilities was used to optimum by minimising the physical activities. This can be easily done when one used less of one’s energy for running from family function to another.


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