Saturday, August 19, 2017

on religion....


Instead of getting angry at ‘what shouldn’t happen’ channelize your energies on ‘living Hinduism’. What’s the use of talking Hinduism if I am not following it? It is not able doing some mundane daily rituals like listening to some mantra, doing harathi or performing some pooja or festival. Live the ‘Ideal’ of Hinduism - that of character building. Only goal of Hinduism is ‘self realization’. If it can’t be pursued for various reasons then walk on its path by working on gaining such of qualities that prove that we are descendants of ‘some sage’ of great ‘Tejas’. We don’t own our lineage or connect with some prophet or a leader. We owe it to a sage who is realized and exhibits various powers that ‘self-constraint’ confers on to its practitioner.

Be an example that people can’t brush aside but notice, and then Hinduism will shine on its own. One Vivekananda is enough to shake entire western world. But he was no ordinary man, “his was a character built over years of practice and grace of his Guru”. Let’s be custodians of such exemplary character.

Regarding protecting Hinduism – well, it has in-built protective shield to shield itself from people who don’t deserve it – said various times in various Upanishads and Vedas. So, be rest assured, the higher knowledge knows to protect itself from ‘asuric forces’. Its custodian is God Himself. It doesn’t need mortals like you and me to protect it and hence we need not feel bad about it too.....

Whenever evil forces become more rampant, He sees to it that they are annihilated en-masse by various means and the pure and innocent are protected. Look into history for its proof. Once this issue is viewed thus, I think pain, anger, depression don’t happen as understanding takes over. And now I am only going ‘Inwards’ – the right and ultimate journey worth making – made only in ‘Hinduism’. While all religions talk of subjugating the external world, Hinduism goes to the root cause – the mind and beyond. It gives step by step procedure to befriend, train and then transcend mind to experience the expansiveness of our ‘Reality’ – ‘The soul’ – that which we actually are!

Let’s do that needful and leave the rest to the unruly kids to go about doing for a while........


1 comment:

CM said...

A Mature thought on religion. Especially I like the following para very much...

Instead of getting angry at ‘what shouldn’t happen’ channelize your energies on ‘living Hinduism’. What’s the use of talking Hinduism if I am not following it? It is not able doing some mundane daily rituals like listening to some mantra, doing harathi or performing some pooja or festival. Live the ‘Ideal’ of Hinduism - that of character building. Only goal of Hinduism is ‘self realization’. If it can’t be pursued for various reasons then walk on its path by working on gaining such of qualities that prove that we are descendants of ‘some sage’ of great ‘Tejas’. We don’t own our lineage or connect with some prophet or a leader. We owe it to a sage who is realized and exhibits various powers that ‘self-constraint’ confers on to its practitioner