Thursday, October 16, 2014

The river

The river

Since childhood, I like to sit on the banks of river. I do it occasionally. I can sit looking at running water for hours. I had been busy all these years and couldn’t go to the river. Today, after many years, I longed to go down to the river. I went.

I sat on my favourite spot – a rock under a huge peepul tree. But, like good old days, I couldn’t put my feet I the water.  The water was very dirty. I looked at my reflection. My face looked bad – real bad. I didn’t like it. I couldn’t stand it.  So, I left sooner than I thought. My reflection hurt me a lot. I was depressed for long time to come. I decided not to go to river ever.

Sometime passed. I heard some group had cleared and cleaned the river. Now, it was clear like before. Everyone was in praise of it. I was tempted to go. I stood the temptation for sometime, but had to give in very soon.

One evening I took courage and went to the river and sat on my favourite spot as ever!

What they said about river being cleaned was true. Now, the water was not murky.  It was clean and clear. I looked at my reflection. I liked it. I looked at it for long. How long I don’t remember? But, as long as I looked at it, I was blissful and totally at peace.

It was late in the evening when I came back to my senses. I smiled at my experience. It was wonderful and so fulfilling. How wonderful it would have been if the river was ever so clean and clear! But, who was responsible for it being polluted and who is to clean it? For me to love myself, I needed a clear river! Sounds so simple yet………

I left the river with a heart singing out of joy but a mind that had a question ‘will the river be the same when I come back next time?’. I hope so!


Madhumita said...

Thank you for covering the 'Comparison'topic maรกm. It was very helpful!

Can you also explain the meaning of being 'judgmental' and how to avoid it.

Aparna Deshpande said...

I also love to see river.

Aparna Deshpande said...

I also love to see river.

V Sridhar said...

Simply Beautiful ๐Ÿ˜ ❤️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’...
The Flowing River (of life) is a beautiful metaphor...
Love & Gratitude ❤️ ๐Ÿ™