Monday, October 27, 2014

On being judgmental


If we want to outgrow experiencing this pain, there is only way – to realize that we are complete and blissful irrespective of what we have or don’t have. Only this realization can give us freedom from our insecurities and fear. There is no other way this can be addressed.

Does listening to this explanation or reading about it give us that clarity of thought? If only things were so simple! No, we need to work on it every minute with awareness. Yes, it’s a conscious effort. How long does it take to apply it effortlessly? – Anywhere between now to eternity. A person who sees through this mind game and feels enough is enough – it’s now!

But, we are ‘thinking creatures’ and we are proud that we are logical and reason it out. Hence, questions like – ‘Fine. I understand and I’ll stop comparing and judging others but what about others? They are still doing it and hurting me. I can stop when they do. Please also explain to them or shouldn’t I cut them to their size since they are wrong?’

All these questions mean, it’ll take eternity for you to drop it. Because these questions is ‘maya’ that’ll cloud your clarity for ever.

Because if you know you are complete then what difference does it make if other calls you incomplete?

I am what I am – whatever you call. Or eg. if you call me a saint and if I know myself then I know if it’s true or false. If it’s true, I’ll not feel elated because it is no achievement. It is only what I am. And if it is false, then also I’ll not feel elated as I know I am not saint inspite of you calling me one. So, whether you call me a saint or a sinner, I am what I am. Your ‘calling me’ can’t disturb me either way. Only when I am ‘image consicous’ will it affect me! Clear? 


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