Monday, October 13, 2014

On rituals and traditions - Dassera


III Step - If one lives a life of selflessness at various levels – be it personal, professional, social then he becomes eligible to understand what ‘Dharma’ actually means and can live Life as per Dharma as Lord Rama and become ‘Purushottam’ automatically (the best among the men). Unfortunately, the majority work for the name, fame and respect and hence don’t bother about their character – no doubt however hard they try they are miserable and never are happy, contended or get what they want.

But, just look at Lord Rama – he simply bothered about ‘following Dharma’ – that means uplifting his character and never compromising on the same. He didn’t work for ‘good’ name, fame and respect. Yet, because of his character, he received all this and more – unasked for and for aeons to come too!
That means ‘work for excellence, success will be yours – not, the other way round’.

IV step – When one lives as per ‘Dharma’ can one know what ‘Love’ truly is. And only when he knows that ‘Love” is will he live it in every walk of life. Only when one expresses love in every day aspect of life will be know his real self – the Divine Self and realize his ‘God-Self’ represented by Lord Krishna.


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