Saturday, October 4, 2014

On comparison with self


‘I can see smile on everyone’s face. Good? Now, tell me how much time it took for you feel this good and relive ‘that’ moment’ she enquired.

‘twenty for me’
‘just few minutes for me’

We all gave our time taken to do this exercise.

‘from few mts to 20, where were you? What did you live and experience?’

I smiled. Wow! This was amazing and we all fell for it. Yes, I knew exactly where she was leading us. But, this point surprised me. Sometimes, her single word or a smile and I knew where I was wrong and many times, ever after her lecture, I was worst than where I started. Was the mistake in her teaching or my understanding or was it anything else?

I couldn’t continue that line of thought as her voice cut through my thoughts ‘you were in your past – happy moment no doubt, but still, dead and gone one! And you call that happiness? How can something that is dead and gone give you real happiness now? That isn’t ‘real joy’ you experienced. I agree it is happiness but that is imaginary not real. Yes, it is only imaginary but though ‘it was real’ i.e.,it’s happened – it is not happening now. And hence it is a reflection only!

Moreover, the second point is ‘Now’ is in present, but those few mts – 20 mts that ‘you lived in past’ you lost your present. When will you live your present.  When will you live your present? Again in ‘some future’ as a ‘past’? are you not complicating things? Since the ‘now’ is likewise compromised with either ‘past’ or ‘future’ it is never lived and that makes us lose out on ‘now’ and ‘here’ and hence the dissatisfaction and the incompleteness. We haven’t lived this moment. So, it’s left incomplete. The moment not completed makes us want to live it. So we borrow from future. This way, it’s always over draft and never ‘on time’ living. No doubt, we are ever so tensed and restless.  We are ever trying to reach somewhere else! Catch up with lost time. But unfortunately time once lost can’t be regained whatever we do. And this in turn makes us sad, hopeless and despair.

Then, what is the way to counter all this?


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