Thursday, October 23, 2014

On being judgmental


 ‘you mean to say that I if judge someone, then I accrue karma? What type of karma do I accrue?’ Priya asked worried.

‘Theirs’ she replied ‘If you judge ‘X’ on a situation, you’ll receive their karma i.e., their situation becomes yours. For eg. If you say ‘how can he not take care of his parents?’ then sooner than later, he’ll be in a position where he’ll not be in a position to take care of them.

Whenever you judge, you are making a statement that somehow means ‘I wouldn’t do or think of doing it!’ Right? Then it implies that you would behave differently in that given situation and hence for you to prove that point and for you to set that eg. to others you are put in exactly the same situation. But, alas more than often we behave exactly as the person whom we judged!

By attracting that situation in our life, we are being instrument in ‘seeding’ the ‘cause’ and then cry when we have to live the ‘effect’ of that ‘cause’ as ‘why such a bad luck to me?’

‘You mean to say ‘judging’ is the way I commit ‘karma’ (many times it being negative) and suffer the consequences, when it can be easily avoided just being non-judgmental?’ enquired Rahul. The fright was written all over his face. And so it was on others face too. Each seemed to go through the memory lane to see ‘how they’ve been judgmental in their past and how it had come back to them as their karma’.

‘Phew! So true. Now, I can understand clearly so many events that had happened in my life and in others and as to the cause and effect of such events. My God! How stupid we all had been! If only we knew it then……..’ it was Priya voicing most of our thought. ’Now that we know what are we going to do about it is the question?’ Aziz continued the conversation.


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