Tuesday, October 28, 2014

On judging others


I am what I am – whatever you call. Or eg. if you call me a saint and if I know myself then I know if it’s true or false. If it’s true, I’ll not feel elated because it is no achievement. It is only what I am. And if it is false, then also I’ll not feel elated as I know I am not saint inspite of you calling me one. So, whether you call me a saint or a sinner, I am what I am. Your ‘calling me’ can’t disturb me either way. Only when I am ‘image consicous’ will it affect me! Clear?

It was both yes and no. we understood and yet didn’t seem to. We were still in daze. It had to sink in.  we need to process it, then understand it, apply it and only when we experience it will we actually have understood it!‘

“Can’t we judge one on morality too?” asked Priya really agitated.

“One man’s good is other’s bad. So is it with morality. Morality changes from place to place, time to time and person to person. What’s immoral in India is considered moral in western world. So, how can you judge someone on the grounds of morality.

Killing – nay even hurting others is universally accepted as immoral. But, a soldier is given medals and appreciated when he kills more number of people in war.

We judge a woman in flesh trade but if you know that she was forced into it – you pity her. If you know she did to save her parents’ life, then you would respect her. But, why never is a man who is her customer judged? He never goes out of external compulsion. He goes only to fulfill his lust. But, it is the women who is always judged. Isn’t this one sided? Hypocritical? Wrong?

Like-wise morality has to properly understood before judged and for that one should have clarity of thought and that comes out of purity of thought, intent, selflessness, detachment and righteousness. So, one should develop these qualities before going on the path of ‘judging’ others”


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