Friday, October 10, 2014

On rituals and traditions



The lowest step or the step represents the lowest form of existence where people exist or live with the sole aim of acquiring and relishing food, clothing, shelter and for procreation. Even animals exist for the same. Even though the person may be a great achiever – say a business-man, if he exists for this purpose only, he is considered no better than animals. So, even though he’s given rarest chance of being born a human, he loses its purpose by living as lower animals. This is the lowest form of existence. Here, his concern and botheration is only for ‘I, me, myself’ – selfish to the core!

And because of desire for ‘survival’ other evils make his existence their home like – fear, selfishness, greed, hatred, evil nature and like.

II Step – if man is able to outgrow his ‘I-ness’ even a bit, then he starts thinking of giving – giving to others, society some form of service like poetry, music or spiritual knowledge. Even a fisherman who lives and does his job as he feels he is feeding others comes under this category. So, the economic strata of society doesn’t specify the spiritual growth or state of an individual!

Lord Ganesh kept at every step represent various challenges that one has to face to outgrow that stage and to raise to next level.


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