Wednesday, October 1, 2014

On comparison


But, let me also warn you, that by getting what you want you don’t guarantee happiness in your life. You can work for ‘getting what you want’. It’s called ‘being successful’.But,wanting what you have got is happiness. That can’t be worked out as being successful. This is a state of mind. And that’s got nothing to do with what one has or doesn’t have. Yes, I can vouch for that. Take any case and understand it!

Comparing Relatives – This one is very funny.

‘my sister is better than yours’

‘my eldest is not as talkative as the youngest’

‘my dog is not as good as his’

Stop doing this. You are killing the person you are comparing. And all religions preach only non-violence. People say ‘I am ahimsa-vadi because I am a vegetarian, don’t fight, don’t swear, don’t get in to arguments’. Good. But, that doesn’t make you non-violent person. If you’ve to practice non-violence, it has to be mental too! If you’ve hatred for someone, then you are committing ‘himsa’ mentally to him. You think, non one sees or knows it, so you get call yourself a good person. No, it doesn’t work out that way! If you are practicing ahimsa, you’ve to do it mentally too! Any negative energy that you generate for other is a ‘himsa’ you commit against him. That’s if a person can practice just being ‘non-violence’ honestly, he becomes a saint, realizes self, heals all of his karma even without practicing a single ritual or tradition – what-so-ever. It is so simple yet so difficult to practice! But, that shouldn’t stop us from practicing it. Just making an effort in that path come what may is a huge step – but ofcourse for that we should stop noticing others actions! If we question their wrongs and want to correct it, then anger would express itself and all over effort to practice non-violence would go down the drain. Nonetheless, practice it! Fail you may, yet put it to practice even if you can take few steps in this path, it’s worth it. So practice.

And the most important don’t for that would be ‘stop comparing’.


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