Sunday, October 26, 2014

On judging


If this is so, why do we do it? Simple – because we envy others and feel threatened by their beauty, achievements, success, possessions etc. we feel we are ever in the ‘boxing ring’ with every other person in the world – where we are trying to save ‘our face’ and they are ‘trying to damage it’ by possessing whatever they have. Confused? Close your eyes and go through the entire sequence once again slowly. Breathe in slowly and be calm while seeing this entire drama go through your mind. Meditate on this! Take your time’ saying this she got up and left us.

We followed her instructions. It was 30 mts before we opened our eyes. When we opened our eyes, we broke for lunch. We discussed our findings with one another. We all took couple of incidents from our life and went through it. The findings were same. We exchanged our experiences, insight and examples. We laughed at our stupidity. Basically, we were all the same! So many times she had said this but then……….

We sat around her the moment she took her seat.

‘We consider everyone our rival and think we’ve to push someone down to be above them. This feeling of rivalry is based on our insecurity. We feel insecure about ourselves. And our insecurity comes out in the form of envy, hatred, malice and what not. Where does this insecurity stem from? From fear. Fear of rejection, being unrecognized and being unsuccessful, fear of rebuke or insult. This fear is totally imaginary and it drives us crazy enough to attack ‘every person’ by whose presence, achievements we feel ‘threatened’ and whom we think are robbing our ‘place, love, respect, glory, recognition’ from us. But how stupid is that? However big an oak tree be, rose doesn’t get insulted in its presence. It’s recognized for what it is worth no matter how big other trees are around it. But, we don’t understand that. And this ‘ignorance’ is the cause of ‘fear’ in us. So it’s rightly said that ‘ignorance’ and ‘fear’ are the only two original sins that need to be addressed to realize that ‘we are complete, beautiful, pure and divine’. If we realize this there is no space for fear, insecurity, comparison, judging and hatred.


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